[bestbits] Request for NGO partners for seminar course on digital media rights, etc.

Becky Lentz, Dr. roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca
Wed Jun 5 10:52:00 EDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

Greetings from Montreal!

I¹m writing to ask if any Best-Bits subscribing NGOs (preferably those based
in non-OECD countries located in Africa, Asia, or Latin America seeking to
expand digital media rights policies) would like to consider being
considered as Œresearch seminar clients¹ for a Fall 2013 course I¹m teaching
on Œadvanced issues in media governance¹.

What we would offer is an opportunity for the selected partner NGOs to have
a small 3-4 person research team for a semester to prepare a Œpolicy brief¹
related to a digital media rights policy issue the NGO is working on. In
other words, participating NGOs would essentially get free research
assistance on a policy issue for which they need a policy brief by
mid-December. The benefit to my students (mostly in development studies and
political science) would be grounded experience with a Œreal¹ client and
thus an opportunity to learn and also provide a civil society benefit.

NGO participation would involve being available for about 3 Skype-based
interviews in September-October, with students assigned to your
organization. Participation would also involve delegating someone in your
organization to read and provide feedback on a preliminary draft of the
policy brief in mid-November. Finally, your NGO would be asked to fill out a
brief survey based on the experience in early December.  The policy brief
would be available for you to use and hopefully post to your organization¹s
website by mid-December.

Please email me at becky.lentz at mcgill.ca if you would like to be considered
for this partnership opportunity starting in September.

Becky Lentz
Becky Lentz, PhD
Assistant Professor in Communication Studies
Department of Art History and Communication Studies
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West, Arts Building, W-265
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 0G5

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