[bestbits] Fwd: Re: [IRPCoalition] MAG consultations
parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Feb 12 00:16:51 EST 2013
Dear All
I am not sure of the level of interest that this group may have in
shaping the program of the next IGF, but just in case it is interested,
I am forwarding the first draft of a proposed statement that the Dynamic
Colalition on Internet Rights and Principles is considering at present .
The deadline to give written inputs is the day after, although a day or
two of grace period may be available... The MAG of the IGF will have an
open consultation on the 28th in which additional inouts can be made
Wonder if this group may want to support the below statement, especially
since we decided to work towards framing a 'positive agenda' for global
IG... I see looking at possible set of global Internet principles as a
good starting point for framing such an agenda..
regards, parminder
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [IRPCoalition] MAG consultations
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 10:35:49 +0530
From: parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
To: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org >>
"irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org"
<irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
Hi All
The first draft of the proposed statement by the IRP dynamic coalition
for the MAG open consultation is enclosed, and also below... We have
just 2 days (maybe we can ask for another 2), so pl hurry with your
comments... parminder
*Proposed statement by DC on IRP for the MAG Open Consultations on the
28th February*
In the times of mind-boggling flux like the present one, one needs
perhaps to go back to basic normative values and frameworks, and then
draw their implications for actual policies and practice in a particular
field of application. For too long, global Internet governance has been
a fight for or between different institutions, and different possible
points of exercising political and economic control. The resulting
logjam is for everyone to see. A more worthwhile alternative approach to
take would be to first focus on what needs to be done rather than on who
will do it, which lands us directly into institutional and other kinds
of power politics. It may therefore be worthwhile to focus on developing
some kind of 'Internet Principles' or "Principles for Internet
Governance' as touchstones that can guide global IG. Such a process is
expected to help pave way for the required public interest policies and
other activities in the area of global IG. It may also give us important
leads on what kind of institutional frameworks best suit global Internet
governance, an issue which is expected to be quite hot in the run up to
WSIS + 10 review event in 2015.
The Chair's summary at the 5th IGF at Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2010, spoke
of a kind of consensus that the IGF process must now go beyond mere
discussions, and take some more concrete steps. (Extending the 'arranged
marriage' metaphor, the Chair said something to the effect that the
couple has been sitting around holding hands for too long, and it must
now move on....!) It was proposed that looking at some kind of Internet
principles would be a good starting point. Brazil had framed a set of
Internet Principles that it brought to the IGF that year. This
initiative was held up as good example of what was being proposed.
Internet Principles also have a history within the IGF, with a Dynamic
Coalition on Framework of Principles being formed at the first IGF in
Athens. Later this dynamic coalition merged with the Dynamic Coalition
on Internet Rights to form the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and
Principles. This Dynamic Coalition has developed a Charter of Internet
Rights and Principles, which is still a work in progress. It recently
also developed a set of 10 Internet Rights and Principles, a shorter,
punchier document based on the larger charter.
It is also pertinent to note that many organizations have been framing
some kind of Internet principles, for instance, Council of Europe and
the OECD. Some countries like US, UK and China have come with their own
statements on cyber norms. Recently, a Brazilian civil society group
proposed another statement of Internet Principles which was endorsed by
many other groups worldwide. (CAN ADD MORE INSTANCES OF INT PRINCIPLES
In the circumstances, we are of the opinion that the Bali IGF must take
up work in full earnest on seeking convergences and divergences (as
recommended by the Working Group on IGF Improvements), if not possible
consensus, among different initiatives on Internet Principles. This will
help us employ our common normative understandings and frameworks to
help close political differences on global IG as the best way to move
forward. IGF must contribute to developing global Internet policies and
institutional frameworks that are equitable and just, and that serve the
global public interest. Working on global Internet Principles is, in our
view, the best way to proceed forward in this regard.
We propose that the next IGF in Bali devotes one full day to the theme
of 'Internet Principles'. The day can start with a round-table on the
subject and end with an open session on the subject. Other possible
formats can be considered in-between. The Dynamic Coalition on Internet
Right and Principles offers its experience and expertise in this area to
help the MAG organise 'Internet Principles' related work program. We are
especially eager to help organize the proposed round table on 'Internet
We also propose that the overall theme of Bali IGF be 'Internet
Principles'. Possible overall themes being put forward for MAG's
consideration are (1) Public interest principles for the Internet (2)
Shaping global principles for the Internet.
On Monday 11 February 2013 03:45 PM, Marianne Franklin wrote:
> Dear Parminder
> Thanks for providing these signposts. This idea certainly has my vote
> and I hope others in the coalition can also confirm this is an idea we
> are all behind as well as provide some feedback as there are only 3
> days before the deadline!
> Could you send the draft blurb over as soon as possible as people can
> then respond more specifically. My views are at this point and seeing
> as it is a proposal so details can emerge later,
> 1) Yes to holding a Roundtable. Work can begin on that straightaway.
> 2) Yes to formulating the Main theme proposal in terms of how global
> principles for the Internet need to be also public interest
> principles. I think the connection is there in that we need to make
> clear that public interest is in effect a global issue when it comes
> to human rights and principles for the Internet. This is crucial to my
> mind for this initiative to make sense for the upcoming IGF itself as
> well as the IRP Coalition; as a whole and in terms of the work
> coalition member organizations are doing already around the world and
> in IGO forums such as the upcoming WSIS+10 then
> Thanks again Parminder. Looking forward to seeing the draft 'blurb'.
> If people could respond quickly too so that we can move this forward
> and out.
> One last point (and to save too many emails from me this morning!):
> the WSIS+10 Meeting in Paris is at the end of the month. The IRP
> Coalition is holding a session on Tuesday morning and the Best Bits
> Coalition have a session also at another time. APC are also hosting a
> session, or perhaps two. And there are others so the coalition's work
> on the IRP Charter is well represented as is the work of our members.
> Who is going to be in Paris? I have an idea based on the coalition
> session and the program but it would be good for the list to hear who
> will be there and in what capacity. If people recall from 10 years ago
> ( Time Flies!) the WSIS events then had little publicity. Since the
> Arab Spring and last year's furore around the ITU and IGF we can see
> that the WSIS concerns are now very much in the public eye. So things
> have moved on.
> Back later with more details about all the relevant sessions for our
> work in Paris.
> best
> MF
> On 11/02/2013 10:04, parminder wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I was supposed to give text for IRP's written contribution to the MAG
>> meeting later this month, for which the deadline of 14th Feb.
>> I had already suggested some elements of what I would like IRP to
>> propose, which were
>> (1) IRP holds a round table on Internet principles at the next IGF
>> (2) We propose that Internet principles be part of the next year's
>> IGF's main theme - in this regard two possible formulations were
>> suggested (a) Public interest principles for the Internet (b) Shaping
>> global principles for the Internet
>> Now if the group can give its views on the above, we can just write
>> that our our input which can be backgrounded by how Internet
>> principles are important, how various IGFs have stressed on them, and
>> that tiem may have come etc etc.... But that part is non
>> controversial, and I promise to do a para by tomorrow. Meanwhile the
>> real agreement has to be built on the above operative parts. Do,
>> please give your views asap, the deadline beinbg the 14th,
>> parminder
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> --
> Dr Marianne Franklin
> Reader
> Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
> Goldsmiths, University of London
> Dept. of Media & Communications
> New Cross, London SE14 6NW
> Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
> <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
> @GloComm
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> http://www.gold.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/franklin/
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