[bestbits] Call to Best Bits participants for nominations to Brazil meeting committees

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Tue Dec 24 07:24:11 EST 2013

On 24-Dec-13 03:18, Mawaki Chango wrote:
> "Don't worry getting yourself out of poverty by trying to speak for
> yourself (for instance, by trying to expose the structural imbalances
> that maintain the conditions causing poverty,) just be content with us
> taking care of your needs as we understand them (by maintaining and
> feeding in the public aid apparatus so that you can get something to eat
> everyday while we enjoy self-gratification for doing good)."

Well I suppose you can read anything, any way you wish, I contend that 
your reading is a prejudicial and specious misconstruction.

I said nothing about people not arguing their case as vociferously as 
they might wish.  And I said nothing about not applying for a 
representative role.

What I said is that when one accepts a representative role, they go on 
to represent the whole group and not just the one particular set of 
beliefs and agendas they come in with.

And what I think is wrong is getting a position as a CS representative 
and then doing everything you can to put forward your personal agenda at 
the cost of the rest of civil society's positions.  Sure make sure your 
position gets heard and understood as well as is possible, just don't do 
it by by tearing down the work everyone else is trying to do as well. 
This means that you have to pick people who despite having a minority 
view can work with the majority as well.

So sure put in the criterion of including minority viewpoints, but also 
put in the criterion of "plays well with others."


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