Two-question survey on agenda and outputs for Best Bits

Anriette Esterhuysen anriette at
Wed Sep 19 10:46:49 EDT 2012

Thanks for the opportunity, Jeremy.. I have been wanting to send
comments on the agenda.. but could not find the time. Like others I was
worried that we would take on too much and not focus on a few clear

I found that the questions in the survey, while clear, did not address
everything in the earlier discussion.. but I am sure we can get back to
gaps once you have compiled the results.



On 19/09/2012 15:25, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> Hello all,
> We recently had a really useful discussion on the list about the agenda and outputs for Best Bits, but there was no clear consensus on the way forward.  Someone suggested I put together a poll to make it easier to gauge people's preferences.  So, please take a few minutes to complete the poll below, which contains just two questions regarding the agenda and outputs for Best Bits:
> I will report back the results to the list.  Thanks!

anriette esterhuysen anriette at
executive director, association for progressive communications
po box 29755, melville 2109
south africa
tel/fax +27 11 726 1692

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