Two-question survey on agenda and outputs for Best Bits

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at
Tue Oct 2 05:59:42 EDT 2012

On 25/09/12 13:14, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> For the agenda, there is also a majority in favour of retaining the
> planned format shown at, but about
> two-thirds as many people would rather have discussion and drafting on
> each of the two days - in which case it would make sense to do ITU on
> the first day, since that day is the deadline for comments to the
> ITU's online comment system.[0]  There is not such strong support for
> any other changes being made.  Whilst that means that most people are
> content with the existing agenda, amongst those who are content with
> it, is there anyone who would strongly object to the change that the
> minority are suggesting?

Nobody has spoken up to say that they *would* oppose changing the agenda
to move the ITU drafting and discussion together onto the same day, so I
have revised the proposed agenda accordingly.  Please check out and
comment on the proposed amended version, which is now live  (the good
thing about an Etherpad is the we can easily roll back to the old
version if you don't like  it):

It means that there is less time for each drafting session, because they
are no longer being held simultaneously.  It also means that Day 1 is
heavier than Day 2 now.  What do you think?  Looking forward to your
further comments, if any.


*Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Policy Officer
Consumers International | the global campaigning voice for consumers*
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