[bestbits] RE: Conflicts of interest (was: WSIS+10 workshop?...

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Wed Dec 12 08:48:43 EST 2012

Michael Gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:

> In the context of CS as well, I think we need to take into account a
> broader definition of what might constitute an "interest" i.e. one
> that goes beyond immediate financial return but also includes issues
> of "national interest" or "corporate interest" where a close
> association might mean that there is at least a potential for being
> in conflict with what might be understood as either the "public
> interest" (as opposed to "private interests") or in our case the
> "global public interest" (as opposed to for example a specific
> "national public interest").

Good point.

What would be an appropriate forum for developing some kind of guidance
document for civil society for appriately dealing with this kind of
concerns in regard to topics where it is important to truly pursue the
goal public interest?


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