FW: [governance] Twitter officially shutdown to Internet users in Pakistan

Andrea Glorioso andrea at digitalpolicy.it
Wed May 23 09:12:17 EDT 2012

Dear McTim,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:56 PM, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this caucus ready to accept "multilateralism" in IG?
> If so, I'm out!

It is interesting you put the word "multilateralism" in quotes. Is this
because you feel there isn't a broadly accepted (a "rough consensus"? :)
notion of what "multilateralism" actually means, or because you feel that
multilateralism it is *per se* incompatible with multi-stakeholderism
(which I strongly disagree with, but then again I guess it would depend on
our respective understandings of the latter concept) ?

It is even more interesting, at least for me, to think that
"multilateralism" as a political philosophy/practice is in fact a response
to unilateralism, which basically means a country doing whatever it can get
away with because, at least in the short term, it has the means and the
power to do so. So I personally find "multilateralism" to be an extremely
positive approach in politics, not the least because the unilateral
approach is essentially myopic and based on over-optimistic assumptions
(not the least that you will have the same level of means and power
forever, even though history teaches us that's a very unreasonable


I speak only for myself. Sometimes I do not even agree with myself. Keep it
in mind.
Twitter: @andreaglorioso
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