[governance] Voting process for co-coordinator election

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Thu Aug 7 21:18:23 EDT 2008



Yes, I will get a para on each out by tomorrow.


I have also to address Bill's earlier email offering some suggestions and
posing some queries on the process.


In regard to that email,


I intend not to ask for a statement of candidature, but only provide a brief


And yes this should have been announced as a part of election process - the
new co-coordinator will be elected for 2 years. His tenure will overlap
briefly with mine, and then a new co-coordinator will be elected (in my
place). The responsibility of taking decisions and choosing time/ schedule
for this next election will exclusively be with the co-coordinator elected
in this election (and not jointly with him and me), which is  of course
subject to appeal with the appeals committee.


Beyond this on the issue of how the yearly election schedule is at present
out of step with what was originally stated in the charter, and what may be
done about it, I will give my comments after this elections






From: shaila mistry [mailto:shailam at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 2:38 AM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Subject: Re: [governance] Voting process for co-coordinator election


Hi Parminder

Will you be sending out a  paragraph on each of the candidates or will this
be accompanying the ballot itself . Might be useful for those who do not
know either candidate or too polite to ask.



 Shaila Rao Mistry

be as a well......sure and limitless....
but as time befits.....assume other forms ....  




--- On Wed, 8/6/08, Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:

From: Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
Subject: [governance] Voting process for co-coordinator election
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 8:11 PM

Hi All


The voting for a new co-coordinator of IGC to replace Vittorio will take
place through a web based system between 10th and 17th August. The result
will be announced on the 19th.


The two candidates are David Goldstein and Ian Peter, whom I thank for
volunteering for this important organizational responsibility. 


The voting will be conducted by me, as directed by the charter (
http://www.igcaucus.org/IGC-charter_final-061014.html ), with the help of
Derrick Cogburn of Syracuse University who has offered the software he has
earlier used for GigaNet elections, and also to administer the voting


Each person subscribed to the governance list as on June 7th 2008 ( i.e. two
months prior to the start of the election process) will be sent an email
with information on the voting process, conditions etc along with a unique
web-link that takes the person to a secure website. The list subscriber will
then be given the option to affirm/ accept membership of the caucus by
subscribing to the charter (as per the charter's provisions for the voting
process). On such positive affirmation, the person will be taken to the
ballot page where the vote can be cast by ticking against one of the two
candidates. A 'none of the above' option will also be available. 


A vote once cast cannot be changed. 


While we strongly encourage everyone to vote as a sign of ones active
engagement with the caucus, voting is not compulsory for retaining caucus
membership, i.e. if one is already on the caucus members list ( see
www.igcaucus.org/members-080721.html ). However, it is important to note
that, as per the charter's provisions on charter amendments, one has to have
voted in the previous election to be able to vote at any charter amendment
process. Therefore, to have voting rights in any charter amendment process
(but not for any other voting process) that may come before the next
election, one HAS to vote in this election.


As per the charter, all voting will be open, unless specifically declared to
be secret, for which reason(s) have to be stated. I declare that the present
voting will be secret. The reason for this is that the process involves
individuals making a choice between two colleague individuals and that has
the likelihood of leaving an avoidable trace on inter-personal relationships
in the group. Moreover, in my opinion, there is no special imperatives of
transparency and openness, in this case, which will be met by an open vote. 


The voting process is completely anonymous, no names are associated with the
voting.  The IP address is captured and stored in a database, but is not
accessed by the voting process administrator (Derrick). Derrick, but not I,
will be able to see the aggregated results as they come in, However, to
repeat, no one will be able to see or know any voter's specific voting


Derrick will technically be able to access information on whether anyone has
cast one's vote or not. This information will however not actually be
accessed during the process


At the end of the process, on the 19th, along with the result, a list of
voters will be published. Those among them who are not currently on the
members' list will be added to the standing list since during the process of
voting they would have accepted membership by subscribing to the charter. 


The elected co-coordinator will take charge immediately on the announcement
of the result, and Vittorio will cease to be a co-coordinator. 


I also declare that I have satisfied myself about the security and
trustworthiness of the voting process, to the levels that in my
understanding are required and adequate for the current purpose.


The email creating a voters account will be sent out on 10th August and the
voting will close at midnight - GMT - of 17th - 18th August. 


If needed, I will add more information to the above by tomorrow. Meanwhile,
clarifications are welcome.



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