[governance] Dynamic Coalition on IGF Fund, with focus on participation from developing parts of the world

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Sun Nov 5 07:25:52 EST 2006

Nyangkwe Agien Aaron wrote:
> I do not think that the idea of a "Dynamic coalition" has to do with
> some trade unionism or some political coalitions what soever, as
> Jeremy is wont to fear, from his intervention, if I read well between
> the lines.

Not really, my concern is more that the informality of the coalitions 
makes them unaccountable to the IGF at large.  However as per my 
intervention, we can address this, and turn them into working groups in 
all but name, by:

(a) agreeing on some criteria pursuant to which they can be accredited 
(not sure if this is an appropriate word, what do others think?) for 
conformity to standards of openness to multi-stakeholder participation, 
transparency and internal operation by consensus; and

(b) allowing the output of an accredited dynamic coalition to be put to 
the IGF at large to be considered and, potentially, ratified and adopted 
by consensus (through some also yet undefined process).

These are to some extent independent, so (a) (which Nitin already seems 
  agreeable to) can be put in place first, and (b) brought in later 
after things are running smoothly.  But we need to have a dialogue about 
what the criteria in (a) should be.

I'm considering where to take things from here, but I'm open to 
suggestions.  I would be happy to draft a list of criteria, develop a 
rough consensus on it here and on the plenary at intgovforum.org mailing 
list, and then ask Adam or someone to put it in front of the Advisory 
Group.  An alternative is that a Dynamic Coalitions Dynamic Coalition 
could be formed to develop the draft criteria.

Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
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