[Governance] Global Update: Your input is needed!

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Fri May 28 16:27:40 EDT 2021

Dear friends,

this email i received from the global ISOC maillist. In the text from 
Andrew Sullivan i read:
"But there remain plenty of people in the world who do not believe in 
the Internet as we do. They do not care for an open, globally-connected 
Internet. They do not want it to be secure, and if they are successful 
the Internet cannot be trustworthy. So, we must keep up our efforts."

1) Many people use the term "Internet". But in reality, they speak about 
an InterStar System and never they like to go in direction to an 
Internet, "the Inter-connection of local Net-works".

2) The consequence ist, that if we follow the ideas for an InterNet, we 
have to focus our view to the local networks in all communities, autonom 
instances with cliensts, servers and connections, and to interconnect 
this local networks. And only this interconnection is then the InterNet.

3) In order to easily connect these local networks, we need to move to 
geophysical addressing and completely end today's virtualisation. Each 
community will then have its own unique address.

3) The internet is a transport system for digital data in packet form. 
It has absolutely nothing to do with the application level. And it 
follows that error checking and correction of the data transmission must 
be part of the transport system and thus TCP and UDP disappear.

4) The internet rests on independent local networks that connect to each 
other. This means that all local decisions are left exclusively to the 
local networks. Only global interaction requires a global language, the 
IP protocol, which has no meaning locally.

5) Again and again we read the nonsense about the need for virtual 
spaces. This is completely uninteresting for the world's population. And 
if the very few want this, then let them make it for themselves.

I know that the essential prerequisites for an internet are data 
transmission in the connections and data processing in the nodes, the 
router points. For this, only a free technology, without private and 
state, helps to give the people in all regions of this planet the 
possibilities to produce these technical systems themselves.

This is where ISOC (Internet Society) and IGF (Internet Governance 
Forum) and all other instances can really make a positive contribution. 
Not more, but not less either.

with many greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay

Am 28.05.2021 um 09:08 schrieb Lia Kiessling, Internet Society:
>   from Internet Society has sent you an email but it appears that your email client only allows plain text.
> Please copy and paste the following link to view the contents of this email:
> http://portal.internetsociety.org/622619/bulletin/ViewSent/700059da-6e40-42cd-82b4-5fc0baf2ea78/67916bb8-ddec-4022-ac7b-4233d522529f?mid=da91ab3f-f5b6-4c9a-be88-32e92f1095ff&type=e

If we follow this link, we find:


In 2019, we outlined our vision for what the Internet Society should 
work towards through 2025. In keeping with the mission established by 
the Board of Trustees, we said we needed to build, promote, and defend 
the Internet. We said we would do that through our efforts to grow the 
Internet and to make it stronger. Together, we have already made a lot 
of progress, as can be seen in our 2020 Impact Report. But there remain 
plenty of people in the world who do not believe in the Internet as we 
do. They do not care for an open, globally-connected Internet. They do 
not want it to be secure, and if they are successful the Internet cannot 
be trustworthy. So, we must keep up our efforts.

Consideration of this wider environment has given us some priorities on 
which to concentrate as we build our plan for 2022:

     While Internet access is growing, it is still growing unequally. 
The pandemic has made it clear to the world how important access is, but 
many people still need help. So, in 2022 we will continue to prioritize 
extending the Internet to communities that do not have it and need it 
most, concentrating especially on building the movement to make sure the 
Internet really is for everyone.
     There is a struggle over the Internet. On one side are global 
corporations who own the environment that many of us depend upon, with 
effective control of some technology markets. This gives them some of 
the power traditionally held by nation-states. On the other side are 
governments using laws and regulations trying to bring these 
corporations to heel. The result is an environment that threatens the 
Internet. So, we will continue to prioritize promoting and defending 
those properties that underpin the Internet as the preferred model for 
network development in 2022.
     Internet users and the transactions they undertake live at a 
complex intersection of privacy and security, and the Internet will 
never be trustworthy as long as communications are not reliably private 
and safe. Yet even as people have lived through a period of sharing 
their most personal details online, forces work to make us less safe by 
ensuring applications remain vulnerable and by undermining end-to-end 
encryption. So, we will continue our emphasis on the importance and 
value of strong encryption.
     Internet shutdowns within countries, either whole or partial, 
continue to undermine the utility and value of the Internet. Other 
countries, even some that used to be Internet advocates, have begun 
imposing restrictions on connections and regulating infrastructure to 
filter content. “Network sovereignty” erodes the Internet’s critical 
properties. So, we will continue our efforts to show how greater network 
resilience is advantageous to all, including those opposed to it.

These priorities continue our efforts to build, promote, and defend the 
Internet. The more we can align our multiple efforts, the greater the 
effect we will have to ensure the Internet is a force for good in society.

Staff efforts are intended to complement the many different things the 
Internet Society community is undertaking. We want to understand whether 
you believe what staff are doing is useful and complementary. We request 
that you take a brief (3 minute) survey to help us:

     Does this priority list align with your own?
     Are we overlooking work the community has already done and 
duplicating it?
     Where might the Internet Society amplify work the community is 
already doing, to make us all more effective?

The results of this survey will be shared with you in August.

The list of priorities is not exhaustive, so there will also be other 
opportunities to talk about things we should be doing together, such as 
the upcoming consultation about Special Interest Groups (June). In the 
meantime, if you have any questions, please contact AP2022 at isoc.org.

The Internet is a shared resource to enrich people’s lives, but it is 
threatened in a way it has not been in the past. To be successful in our 
efforts to build, promote, and defend it, we must work together. The 
real Internet gives humanity so much, if only we will use it for the 
good of all. We hope that through clear prioritization we will realize 
our vision that, truly, the Internet is for everyone.


     Once you click on this link, you will be redirected to the Internet 
Society member portal to login.
     If you have not accessed the member portal in the past, or have 
forgotten your login information, click "Forgot Login?" and enter your 
email address to retrieve your information. You will be sent an email 
with instructions to reset your password.

Andrew Sullivan
President & CEO
Internet Society

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