[Governance] WEBCAST TODAY: For, With, and By the Community | Pour, avec et par la communauté #VirtualCNAfricaSummit2020

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Oct 28 08:13:36 EDT 2020

This has just started, #2 in the Africa CN Summit.

ISOC Live posted: "On Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 12:00-13:30 UTC the
Internet Society (ISOC) and the Association for Progressive Communications
(APC) present the second session in the 5th (Virtual) Summit on Community
Networks in Africa with the theme ‘For, With, and By t"


[image: livestream]
<http://livestream.com/internetsociety/VirtualCNAfricaSummit2>On *Wednesday
28 October 2020* at *12:00-13:30 UTC* the* Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/regions/africa/>* (ISOC) and the *Association
for Progressive Communications <https://www.apc.org/>* (APC) present the
second session in the *5th (Virtual) Summit on Community Networks in Africa
<https://www.internetsociety.org/events/summit-community-networks-africa>* with
the theme ‘*For, With, and By the Community

Effective engagement of communities is critical for the success of
community networks. This session tries to understand community engagement
approaches, how to map the stakeholders and communications channels for an
inclusive, people-centered, locally-owned community network.

[image: livestream]
<http://livestream.com/internetsociety2/VirtualCNAfricaSummit2>Le *mercredi
28 octobre 2020 à 12h00-13h30 UTC*, l’*Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/regions/africa/>* (ISOC) et l’*Association
for Progressive Communications <https://www.apc.org/>* (APC) présentent la
deuxième session du *5e Sommet (virtuel) sur les réseaux communautaires en
<https://www.internetsociety.org/events/summit-community-networks-africa>* sur
le thème «*Pour, Avec et par la communauté

Un engagement efficace des communautés est essentiel au succès des réseaux
communautaires. Cette session tente de comprendre les approches
d’engagement communautaire, comment cartographier les parties prenantes et
les canaux de communication pour un réseau communautaire inclusif, centré
sur les personnes et détenu localement.


*Matogoro Jabhera*, Tanzania Community Networks Alliance
*Soledad Luca de Tena*, Zenzeleni Community Networks
<https://zenzeleni.net/> (RSA)
*Ghillian Beverley Bock*, Groot-Aub Community Network (Namibia)

*Lillian Achom*, AccessPlus <https://accesspluss.org/> (Uganda)



*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/31t9Dhn <https://bit.ly/31t9Dhn>*
(English closed captions, Interprète français)

*REAL TIME TEXT https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CFI-ISOC
<https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CFI-ISOC>* (English)

*TWITTER #VirtualCNAfricaSummit2020 <https://bit.ly/2DYj5kh>*

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*



Joly MacFie  +2185659365

Joly MacFie  +2185659365
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