[governance] PIR Case/or the .org sell

Sylvain Baya (via governance Mailing List) governance at lists.riseup.net
Sat Nov 30 08:17:46 EST 2019

Hi all,

Please see my comments below (inline)...

Le samedi 30 novembre 2019, Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> What do people think about sending a letter to the ICANN Board with a
> series of questions in order to get more transparency? Bruna and I
> discussed this, and chatted to others, and are wondering what you think of
> this approach. As the Board will meet and discuss the sale as part of a due
> diligence process, we thought it might be a constructive approach to
> request they consider and answer certain questions.

Dear Sheetal,
Thanks for this proposal.
I see it really prudent, and i wonder if this Caucus have took the same
approach when the
CGC had decided to write an open letter to an InternetSociety.ORG's country
chapter. [1]
[1]: <https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/governance/2019-11/msg00068.html>

However, please consider the following elements :

• ask to ICANN Board about the formal & recommended procedure to oppose
(if applicable) the sale of the Public Interest Registy
• ask the procedure to follow if the community want to manage the .ORG & co
via a commons PIR (cPIR) non-profit Org (*ToBeCreated*)
• add some clear usefull advices to ICANN Board (*including something about
a *
*commitment to help the non-commercial community to have the cPIR as a
future *
*.ORG registry*)
• mention the <https://savedotorg.org> initiative somewhere
• add the CGC's position or a clear statement of support to the
• add a timeline of upcoming actions to anticipate the ICANN's answer
• also write to ISOC's BoT/CEO ?

It would be great to hear your views on this approach and on the questions.
> See below:

...please see above ;-)



> *When the board discusses the sale of .org, we request that these
> questions are considered in the due diligence process:   *
> *- What does the Board intend to do in order to protect the existing
> millions of .ORG registrants?- After the changes to the .ORG contract to
> preserve existing rights of .ORG registrants, how else does the Board
> intend to ensure the sale of PIR (this new steward of .org) will act on
> behalf of the public interest and the world community of noncommercial,
> civil society groups in the world?- What's ICANN's obligation to protect
> those organizations engaged in missions of "public interest around the
> world?" - How does the Board respond to allegations/concerns regarding
> possible conflict of interest in transference of stewardship to Ethos
> capital*
> Best
> Sheetal
> On Fri, 29 Nov 2019 at 02:36, Sylvain Baya <governance at lists.riseup.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Le jeudi 28 novembre 2019, Bill Woodcock <woody at pch.net> a écrit :
>>> > they can (even without sourcing their affirmation) then note that the
>>> > minority of *non-commercial* [1] Internet Community is about to be
>>> *eliminated* by their
>>> > 'well intended' *big deal*.
>>> >
>>> > Why ?
>>> > ...i guess that 1% of 10M (domain names) +=> the non-commercial [1]
>>> world is under
>>> > the pressure of commercial world in the Internet, even in .ORG
>>> registrations they are
>>> > still oppressed by 99% of 10M
>>> None of the above parses.  Please try again, with simpler construction.
>>> You can break it out into as many sentences as you like, but please try to
>>> make each one encapsulate exactly one thought.  Else nobody is going to be
>>> able to engage in a constructive conversation with you.
>> ...what's the point please, dear Bill ?
>> Do you really want to convince me without argumenting ?
>> Shalom,
>> --sb.
>>>                                 -Bill
>> --
>> --
>> Best Regards !
>> baya.sylvain [AT cmNOG DOT cm] | <https://www.cmnog.cm> | <
>> https://survey.cmnog.cm>
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>> __
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>> vous tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!*»
>> ‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
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>> soupire après TOI, ô DIEU!*» (#Psaumes42:2)
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> --
> *Sheetal Kumar*
> Senior Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
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Best Regards !
baya.sylvain [AT cmNOG DOT cm] | <https://www.cmnog.cm> | <
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#‎LASAINTEBIBLE‬|‪#‎Romains15‬:33«*Que LE ‪#‎DIEU‬ de ‪#‎Paix‬ soit avec
vous tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!*»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
«*Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire
après TOI, ô DIEU!*» (#Psaumes42:2)
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