[governance] PIR Case/or the .org sell

Sheetal Kumar sheetal at gp-digital.org
Sat Nov 30 07:08:26 EST 2019

Dear all,

What do people think about sending a letter to the ICANN Board with a
series of questions in order to get more transparency? Bruna and I
discussed this, and chatted to others, and are wondering what you think of
this approach. As the Board will meet and discuss the sale as part of a due
diligence process, we thought it might be a constructive approach to
request they consider and answer certain questions.

It would be great to hear your views on this approach and on the questions.
See below:

*When the board discusses the sale of .org, we request that these questions
are considered in the due diligence process:   *

*- What does the Board intend to do in order to protect the existing
millions of .ORG registrants?- After the changes to the .ORG contract to
preserve existing rights of .ORG registrants, how else does the Board
intend to ensure the sale of PIR (this new steward of .org) will act on
behalf of the public interest and the world community of noncommercial,
civil society groups in the world?- What's ICANN's obligation to protect
those organizations engaged in missions of "public interest around the
world?" - How does the Board respond to allegations/concerns regarding
possible conflict of interest in transference of stewardship to Ethos


On Fri, 29 Nov 2019 at 02:36, Sylvain Baya <governance at lists.riseup.net>

> Hi all,
> Le jeudi 28 novembre 2019, Bill Woodcock <woody at pch.net> a écrit :
>> > they can (even without sourcing their affirmation) then note that the
>> > minority of *non-commercial* [1] Internet Community is about to be
>> *eliminated* by their
>> > 'well intended' *big deal*.
>> >
>> > Why ?
>> > ...i guess that 1% of 10M (domain names) +=> the non-commercial [1]
>> world is under
>> > the pressure of commercial world in the Internet, even in .ORG
>> registrations they are
>> > still oppressed by 99% of 10M
>> None of the above parses.  Please try again, with simpler construction.
>> You can break it out into as many sentences as you like, but please try to
>> make each one encapsulate exactly one thought.  Else nobody is going to be
>> able to engage in a constructive conversation with you.
> ...what's the point please, dear Bill ?
> Do you really want to convince me without argumenting ?
> Shalom,
> --sb.
>>                                 -Bill
> --
> --
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> ‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
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> après TOI, ô DIEU!*» (#Psaumes42:2)
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*Sheetal Kumar*
Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514  |
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