[governance] African voices on shutdowns in Africa

Wisdom Donkor (via governance Mailing List) governance at lists.riseup.net
Mon Jan 21 04:41:09 EST 2019

Anriette, it is just sad how our leaders treat us the way they are treating
us. They just dont think about the populace, once they and their
families and cronies are satisfied, they see other as nothing.

We need to as a mater of urgency strengthen the grassroots stand-up to the
oppressors who dont want anything good for the continent.

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On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 8:05 AM Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org>

> Dear all
> https://www.apc.org/en/news/internet-shutdowns-africa-it-being-cut-world
> This story was pulled together by Leila Nachawati with the input from
> alumni of the African School on Internet Governance. The last few weeks
> in Africa have seen a spate of internet and mobile network shutdowns..
> still ongoing in Zimbabwe, and DRC.
> What I like about this story is that it gives one a sense of what it
> feels like to be forcibly disconnected.
> Anriette
> -----------------------------
> Anriette Esterhuysen
> Senior advisor on internet governance, policy advocacy and strategic
> planning
> Association for Progressive Communications
> apc.org
> afrisig.org
> anriette at apc.org
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