[governance] Save the date: Saturday 16 Decembre - Civil Society Joint Meeting ahead of IGF 2017

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 04:40:38 EDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

I once informed you of the planning of another Joint CS meeting ahead
of the upcoming IGF. We had a successful one in Mexico last year and
we are building on that success for this one that will be held in
Geneva on Saturday 16 December 2017, ahead of the IGF.

The committee working on this is comprised of members of CS groups
such as APC, Best Bits, NCSG and the IGC. I am representing our group
on that small team and i will be responsible of sharing more info with
regards to the overall theme, the call for proposals and registration.

Please consider this date and start making your travels plans to be
able to join us for this meeting.

I will be sharing more soon.


**Arsène Tungali* <http://about.me/ArseneTungali>*
Co-Founder & Executive Director, *Rudi international
CEO,* Smart Services Sarl <http://www.smart-serv.info>*, *Mabingwa Forum
Tel: +243 993810967
GPG: 523644A0
*Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo*

2015 Mandela Washington Felllow
(YALI) - ISOC Ambassador (IGF Brazil
& Mexico
- AFRISIG 2016 <http://afrisig.org/afrisig-2016/class-of-2016/> - Blogger
<http://tungali.blogspot.com> - ICANN Fellow (Los Angeles
<https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-07-18-en> & Marrakech
). AFRINIC Fellow (Mauritius
- *IGFSA Member <http://www.igfsa.org/> - Internet Governance - Internet

Check the *2016 State of Internet Freedom in DRC* report (English
<http://cipesa.org/?wpfb_dl=234>) and (French
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