[governance] [MAG 2018 ELECTIONS] CSCG call for nominations to IGC

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 06:37:59 EDT 2017

Hi Bruna,

Thanks for sharing. I am hoping everyone received this email and have
started getting ready.

Do not hesitate if you have any questions.


2017-10-21 15:43 UTC+02:00, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>:
> Dear all,
> Please find below the details of the process by which all Internet
> Governance Caucus (IGC) members are invited to submit nominations to the
> Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) as part of the 2018 elections for
> the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). The procedures of
> appointments can be found at this link: http://www.internetgov-c
> s.org/procedures <http://www.internetgov-cs.org/procedures>
> In order to facilitate this process within the CSCG a dedicated Nomination
> Committee (or NomCom) has been set up. The NomCom is comprised of one
> representative from our coalition and members from the Association for
> Progressive Communications (APC), Best Bits, Just Net Coalition (JNC), and
> ICANN’s Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG). The NomCom is coordinated
> by a non voting chair and the IGC Co-Coordinator (Arsene Tungali),
> supported by CSCG Co-chair (Richard Hill).
> The NomCom has been tasked by the Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG)
> to run the process of selection and endorsement of civil society candidates
> nominations for the 2018 IGF MAG selection round.
> Based on this information (https://www.intgovforum.org/m
> ultilingual/content/mag-2018-renewal-0), this year, *there are 6 seats
> available for civil society, the CSCG has decided to endorse a pull of up
> to 8 names* where the IGF Secretariat will choose from. *The deadline for
> nominations to be sent to the NomCom is **October 31.*
> Thank you for being part of this process and please let me know should you
> have any questions.
> Best,
> *Bruna Santos *
> -------------------------
> *2018 IGF MAG Selection Round – Nominations Selection criteria*
> -------------------------
>    - Candidates should have *extensive linkages with civil society groups*.
>    - Candidates must be able to *provide advice on the programme and main
>    themes of the next meeting of the IGF*.
>    - Candidates must be able *attend two to three MAG meetings in
> Geneva *Switzerland,
>    *in addition to the annual IGF meeting*.
>    - They should *participate actively in the preparatory process
>    throughout the year*, through engagement in the online multilateral
>    dialogue among MAG members.
>    - Candidates should *address these selection criteria in their
> statement*
>    .
>    - Self-nominations are allowed.
> *Timetable for the process*
> -------------------------
> Here are important dates to consider for this process:
>    - *October 20th:* NomCom 11 agree on the process which will be included
>    in the call for nominations;
>    - *October 21st:* Nomination opens.
>    - *October 31:* Deadline for nominations from CSCG constituencies to be
>    sent to the CSCG NomCom
>    - *1–6 November*: NomCom shortlist and decide on the 8 names to send to
>    the IGF Secretariat
>    - *November 7th:* Notification to selected candidates.
>    - *November 8–10th:* NomCom Chair will fill in the nomination form (as
>    Nominator) as well as communicate with the IGF Secretariat through an
>    official letter.
> *How to seek CSCG endorsement?*
> -------------------------
> Candidates who are willing to go through the endorsement process by the
> CSCG should do the following:
> Produce a *Statement of Interest (SOI) of no more than 2 pages* where they
> address the selection criteria as set above ;
> Send their SOI (in .doc format) to nomcom11 at internetgov-cs.org copying
> their constituency’s mailing list and/or their NomCom representative (for
> IGC this is santos.bruna at protonmail.com) with email subject: “My [Family
> Name] 2018 IGF MAG SOI”;
> In their *SOI*, they should *include the following information required in
> the IGF MAG application form:*
>    - Gender
>    - Family Name
>    - Given Name
>    - Organization
>    - Job Title
>    - Email
>    - Contact Telephone (including country code)
>    - Regional Group
>    - Nationality (ies) (multiple nationalities can be specified, must be UN
>    countries)
>    - Country of Residence
>    - City of Residence
>    - Justification for the nomination, providing relevant background
>    information (no more than 200 words)
> *What is the IGF MAG?*
> -------------------------
> Here is some background information with regards to the IGF MAG:
> The 2018 Renewal Call with information about number of available seats
> for Civil Society as well as the names of MAG members who are stepping
> down : https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-2018-renewal-0
> The 2018 Nomination Form can be accessed here:
> https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-nominat
> ion-2018-form-template
> --

**Arsène Tungali* <http://about.me/ArseneTungali>*
Co-Founder & Executive Director, *Rudi international
CEO,* Smart Services Sarl <http://www.smart-serv.info>*, *Mabingwa Forum
Tel: +243 993810967
GPG: 523644A0
*Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo*

2015 Mandela Washington Felllow
(YALI) - ISOC Ambassador (IGF Brazil
& Mexico
- AFRISIG 2016 <http://afrisig.org/afrisig-2016/class-of-2016/> - Blogger
<http://tungali.blogspot.com> - ICANN Fellow (Los Angeles
<https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-07-18-en> & Marrakech
). AFRINIC Fellow (Mauritius
- *IGFSA Member <http://www.igfsa.org/> - Internet Governance - Internet

Check the *2016 State of Internet Freedom in DRC* report (English
<http://cipesa.org/?wpfb_dl=234>) and (French
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