[governance] [DC] [IGFmaglist] IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender: Access

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 07:23:57 EDT 2017

Dear Ji,

Indeed, as Michael mentioned, this is a good and timely conversation to
have. I'm pleased that we can engage in such discussions openly and
respectfully, and I commend this group for responding professionally and
collegially to difficult questions.

One point I want to add to what's been said is that economic development is
being driven specifically by access to information and communications
technologies (ICTs), *especially* among women. Not only has this been
highlighted repeatedly by our own BPF on Gender and Access, but also by
organizations from across stakeholder groups and development fields (UNDP,
World Bank, GSMA, W3C, ISOC, General Electric, Association of Progressive
Communications, and many more).

To put it mildly, helping to empower women and girls with meaningful and
sustainable access is imperative to our future.


On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:06 PM, Michael Ilishebo <ilishebo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ji,
> Your concerns are very much valid, however, the platform is not the
> correct one.
> Just as Ginger has put it, Internet Governance has a defined subject
> matter it covers and loses it's potency when it overlaps.
> One of the most consistent topic in Internet Governance happens to be
> Gender related to access, connectivity and empowerment. The UN has other
> relevant platforms that discuss the topics you have raised.
> I am one person who enjoys they way you bring out issues and will continue
> tapping knowledge from you as long as I remain a MAG member.
> In my language, there is a saying that goes like, 'Wear my shoes and face
> the world in them...then come we argue'
> Michael
> On Oct 3, 2017 12:02, "Ginger Paque" <virginiap at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
>> Ji, your point is important and is discussed often in introductory IG
>> courses, because it sets the scene for IG.
>> While we recognise the importance of clean water, food, healthcare, and
>> human rights, in this forum we don't address those problems, nor build
>> roads, or provide food and healthcare (as examples). We work on Internet
>> governance, and *the resources and solutions the Internet (and
>> appropriate Internet governance) can provide to address those problems*.
>> We work to provide a solid discussion forum that works to ensure safe,
>> equitable access and better Internet for all, especially vulnerable and/or
>> marginalised groups and individuals.
>> Precisely because we are not omnipotent saviors, we must work on the
>> issues under our mandate, including, but not limited to:
>> a) Indigenous women
>> b) Refugee women
>> c) Women with disabilities
>> d) Young women
>> e) Rural women
>> This is the Internet governance forum. This is what we do.
>> Please excuse my over-simplification for the sake of brevity.
>> Ginger
>> * <http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses>*
>> *______________________________*
>> *Ginger (Virginia) Paque*
>> IG and E-diplomacy Programmes | Research Associate
>> DiploFoundation
>> WMO | 7bis, Avenue de la Paix | 1202 Geneva - Switzerland
>> virginiap at diplomacy.edu
>> [image: 15years.diplomacy.edu] <http://15years.diplomacy.edu/>
>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 4:11 AM, 计颢骏 <ji_haojun at mfa.gov.cn> wrote:
>>> Dear Chair and all,
>>>          I have no intention to trivalize such an important issue. As
>>> Chairman Mao once said, women holds up half of the sky. To make sure that
>>> women have equal access to cyberspace is indeed a very important issue.
>>> However, the internet or cyberspace itself is gender neutral. It is also
>>> true that in some part of the world, women may have difficulty to access
>>> internet. This problem attributes to economic,cultural and religious
>>> factors etc. Among these factors, ecnomoy is the fundamental issue.  People
>>> have no access to internet because they are poor, they have no money to buy
>>> computer, smart phone and wifi service. For indigenous.refugees,
>>> disabled,young and rural people, no matter they are man or women,the
>>> barrier to internet access is mainly about money. Economy, money, is the
>>> biggest problem we face everyday. Can we expect to solve this problem in
>>> the context of internet governance? In China, we have a saying that to make
>>> people rich,build the road first. Without the road, indigenous people in
>>> remote mountainous areas can not send their products to the
>>> outside market,even when they have access to internet. The question is can
>>> internet governance help build more road?
>>>        Dear colleagues, it is very easy to be politically correct, but
>>> the really important thing is to find the problem, to know the real cause
>>> of the prolem and solve the prolem. In some part of the world, where women
>>> even lack the basic freedom, is it a bit luxurious to talk about internet
>>> access? Of course, in some countries, women may have access to
>>> internet  even when they are not allowed to leave home alone. My point
>>> is,talk for the sake of talk is meaningless.In the context of internet
>>> governance, we shall focus on issues  we can make difference rather than
>>> stray too far away. My previous comment is a very important viewpoint which
>>> also deserve respect. we shall seek truth and go  deep into the truth
>>> rather than pretending that we are omnipotent saviors.
>>>          Best regards,
>>>          JI Haojun
>>> > a) Indigenous women
>>> > b) Refugee women
>>> > c) Women with disabilities
>>> > d) Young women
>>> > e) Rural women
>>> ----- 回复邮件 -----
>>> *发信人:*Lynn St.Amour <st.amour at bluewin.ch>
>>> *收信人:*计颢骏 <ji_haojun at mfa.gov.cn>
>>> *抄  送:*JacsmKee <jac at apcwomen.org>,IGF Maglist <
>>> Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>,bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <
>>> bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>,Governance <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>,
>>> dc at intgovforum.org <dc at intgovforum.org>
>>> *时  间:*2017年09月29日 20时39分10秒
>>> *主  题:*Re: [IGFmaglist] IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender: Access
>>> Dear Ji,
>>> your comment below trivializes the very important gender discussion, and
>>> much of the work of the MAG.
>>> Equally, it is important that we maintain a culture of respect in all
>>> MAG communications, and I hope we can achieve this going forward.
>>> Lynn St.Amour
>>> IGF-MAG Chair
>>> > On Sep 28, 2017, at 9:24 AM, 计颢骏 <ji_haojun at mfa.gov.cn> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Dear all,
>>> >
>>> > I think the access issue,for some countries, shall start from allowing
>>> women to drive and travel alone first.
>>> >
>>> > JI Haojun
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----- 回复邮件 -----
>>> > 发信人:Jac sm Kee <jac at apcwomen.org>
>>> > 收信人:Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>,<
>>> bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>,Governance <
>>> governance at lists.igcaucus.org>,dc at intgovforum.org <dc at intgovforum.org>
>>> > 时 间:2017年09月27日 18时05分01秒
>>> > 主 题:[IGFmaglist] IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender: Access
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Dear colleagues,
>>> >
>>> > As mentioned in previous meetings, the IGF Best Practice Forum on
>>> > Gender this year is looking specifically at access issues faced by:
>>> >
>>> > a) Indigenous women
>>> > b) Refugee women
>>> > c) Women with disabilities
>>> > d) Young women
>>> > e) Rural women
>>> >
>>> > We are looking for insights and initiatives that you may know of that
>>> > addresses these issues directly, or in partial or indrect ways. To help
>>> > in this process, we have developed a brief survey here:
>>> >
>>> > https://www.apc.org/limesurvey/index.php/783797/lang-en
>>> >
>>> > Please do submit your work into this process, and would appreciate it
>>> > if you can share this broadly and in targetted ways to your networks.
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> > jac
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> >
>>> > ---------------------------------
>>> > Jac sm Kee
>>> > Manager, Women's Rights Programme
>>> > Association for Progressive Communications
>>> > www.apc.org | www.takebackthetech.net | erotics.apc.org
>>> > Jitsi: jacsmk | Skype: jacsmk | Twitter: @jhybe
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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