[governance] Bruna Santos as the new IGC Co-coordinator

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito ekenyanito at gmail.com
Thu May 11 06:58:28 EDT 2017

Congratulations Bruna!


Best Regards,
Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
Legal Researcher/ Policy Analyst
Website: https://ephraimkenyanito.com/
Twitter: @ekenyanito <https://twitter.com/ekenyanito>
PGP Fingerprint: B0FA394AF73DEB7AA1FDC7360CFED26DE6BA8DC1

On 11 May 2017 at 13:53, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:

> Congratulations Bruna!
> *From:* Arsène Tungali
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 11, 2017 7:38 PM
> *To:* Internet Governance
> *Subject:* [governance] Bruna Santos as the new IGC Co-coordinator
> Dear IGC members,
> I would like to use this opportunity to bring to your attention this
> wonderful news that we have a new Co-coordinator, joining me in this role
> to support this group. Her name is *Bruna Martins dos Santos (Bruna
> Santos), from Brazil*. She was chosen based on the following process:
> A call for nominations for a new co-co was sent to the list on April 27,
> 2017 and was supposed to close on May 10th, giving ample time for us to
> carry the nomination process. Several reminders, as promised, were sent by
> Arsene Tungali, the last one being a day prior to the expiration of the
> nomination process.
> Please see pasted bellow the call sent, just for record:
> ---Message begins--
> Dear colleagues,
> It is time to elect a new Co-coordinator for the Caucus, to replace Analía
> who has already completed her two-year term, and to work with me (Arsene).
> As you know, the IGC is operating with two volunteers called
> “Co-coordinators”.
> I would like to send my apologies for the time it took me to quick start
> this process; as you know, we have been busy with migrating our server but
> also I informed that I will be launching this once we have submitted our
> workshop proposal to the upcoming IGF (which we did today). This is an
> usual process and I beg you to bear with me. You will remember I did launch
> this call while we were still working on the server but so many of you only
> saw it later on when the system was restored back.
> We invite members of the IGC to nominate candidates (please check with
> them first about their willingness to serve), or to nominate themselves as
> Co-coordinator to serve for 2 years, from 2017-2019. All you need to do is
> to send TO THE LIST your statement of interest (in the body of an email and
> attached in a .doc file) with the following elements:
> -          Your full name
> -          Your country of origin and of residence
> -          Anything we need to know about your work/involvement with
> IGC/IGF/Civil Society activities. (200 words max)
> -          Why do you think you can be a good Co-coordinator for the IGC?
> (Max 200 words)
> -          What’s your vision for the IGC during your term if elected?
> Pick up to 3 current issues we face in the group that you will consider as
> priority during your first year. (Max 200 words)
> The nomination period will be open until midnight UTC on May 10th, 2017.
> After this date, we will circulate a resume of candidate's profiles and
> enable a voting link to all IGC members in order to elect our new
> co-coordinator.
> You can check duties and responsibilities on our website (www.igcaucus.org
> )
> <http://igcaucus.org/charter>
> <http://igcaucus.org/charter>I do encourage all of you who wish to have a
> different experience with international advocacy or Internet public policy
> issues to consider applying. Also, we need to revitalize our group so we
> need someone very dynamic that will bring a push to support me.
> Kind regards,
> Arsene
> IGC Co-coordinator
> ---Message ends---
> We received the nomination from Ms. Bruna Martins sent to the list on May 9
> th expressing her interest to join this voluntary leadership position.
> Her statement of interest as well as her vision for this group are pasted
> bellow for your record (at the end of this email). She received public
> expression of support from Michael Oghia, Evelynn Namara and Renata Aquino
> and no one had a negative view on her candidacy.
> Given the fact that she was the only one, we will not proceed to the next
> phase which was to organize a poll but I suggest we immediately consider
> her into the role, as our new second Co-coordinator, serving from May 2017
> to May 2019. As a reminder, my term will expire on or around February 2018
> and she will be responsible to carry the election for the new
> Co-coordinator.
> I will leave this open for the next few days should anyone *has any
> comment on the process or anyone has a strong feeling about why Bruna
> Santos should not be considered for this role in line of the above
> explained process.* Please, do state why you think she will do great or
> not in your comment (that can be sent to me privately or directly to the
> list). On Monday, May 15th, I will send a final email based on the
> feedback that I will have received.
> Best regards,
> Arsene, IGC Co-coordinator
> --- Statement from Bruna---
> *Your full name*: Bruna Martins dos Santos
> *Your country of origin and of residence*: Brazil
> *Anything we need to know about your work/involvement with IGC/IGF/Civil
> Society activities*.
> I am an active member of the ISOCs SIG Group Youth Observatory and,
> therefore, an advocate for the inclusion of youth in policy-making
> processes regarding Internet Governance. I have also contributed to the
> IGF's Best Practice Forum on Gender and Access as an independent researcher
> and one of the authors of the Young Latin American Women Declaration:
> Enabling access to empower young women and build a feminist Internet
> Governance, an input from the Youth Observatory to the BPF Gender that
> addressed the importance of ensuring a safe online environment for women
> online.
> *Why do you think you can be a good Co-coordinator for the IGC?*
> I believe I'd be able to serve IG Caucus as a co-coordinator due to the
> fact that I have been for the past years a good advocate for the interests
> of Civil Society as I have been involved in some local brazilian
> initiatives for ensuring the rights of citizens online such as the Marco
> Civil da Internet and the organization of Arena NETMundial, a side event
> for the NetMundial directed at the Civil Society representatives that were
> in brazil during the meeting and that aimed to hold the same discussions
> regarding the future of the Internet with the local community . Therefore I
> believe that despite the fact that I am quite young, I believe I would be a
> good co-Coordinator due to that fact that Im willing to advocate for a more
> inclusive and equal Internet, and am also continuing my engagement
> activities with the IG community.
> *What’s your vision for the IGC during your term if elected? Pick up to 3
> current issues we face in the group that you will consider as priority
> during your first year.* (Max 200 words)
> As for my visions for the IGC during the Term, given the fact that this
> list was my prior tool for accessing informations regarding Internet
> Governance, I believe on making it more participative through
> accountability. I think it would be important for the members to know who
> else is alongside them and also whom they could reach out in any subject
> they wish to, outreach for the IG Caucus is a very important thing for the
> list as its members are the influencers in all of the different regions of
> the globe
> As for the 3 current issues, I believe that Increasing balanced
> participation in internet governance debates - gender and regional
> representations;  bringing youth into the internet governance debate;
> interconnecting more civil society groups would be the three elected by me.
> -----Statement ends---
> ------------------------
> **Arsène Tungali* <http://about.me/ArseneTungali>*
> Co-Founder & Executive Director, *Rudi international
> <http://www.rudiinternational.org>*,
> CEO,* Smart Services Sarl <http://www.smart-serv.info>*, *Mabingwa Forum
> <http://www.mabingwa-forum.com>*
> Tel: +243 993810967 <+243%20993%20810%20967>
> GPG: 523644A0
> *Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo*
> 2015 Mandela Washington Felllow
> <http://tungali.blogspot.com/2015/06/selected-for-2015-mandela-washington.html>
> (YALI) - ISOC Ambassador (IGF Brazil
> <http://www.internetsociety.org/what-we-do/education-and-leadership-programmes/next-generation-leaders/igf-ambassadors-programme/Past-Ambassadors>
> & Mexico
> <http://www.internetsociety.org/what-we-do/education-and-leadership-programmes/next-generation-leaders/Current-Ambassadors>)
> - AFRISIG 2016 <http://afrisig.org/afrisig-2016/class-of-2016/> - Blogger
> <http://tungali.blogspot.com> - ICANN Fellow (Los Angeles
> <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-07-18-en> & Marrakech
> <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/marrakech55-attendees-2016-03-14-en>
> ). AFRINIC Fellow (Mauritius
> <http://www.afrinic.net/en/library/news/1907-afrinic-25-fellowship-winners>
> )* - *IGFSA Member <http://www.igfsa.org/> - Internet Governance -
> Internet Freedom.
> Check the *2016 State of Internet Freedom in DRC* report (English
> <http://cipesa.org/?wpfb_dl=234>) and (French
> <http://cipesa.org/?wpfb_dl=242>)
> ------------------------------
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