Fwd: Call for assistant curators for the GIP Digital Watch observatory

Jacob Odame odamyte at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 03:19:51 EDT 2017

Hello team,

I highly recommend the below opportunity if you want to be at the forefront of digital policy development. Please feel free to share within your networks.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Geneva Internet Platform <gip at diplomacy.edu>
> Subject: Call for assistant curators for the GIP Digital Watch observatory
> Date: 20 March 2017 at 5:14:49 PM GMT
> To: *|MMERGE3|* <odamyte at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Geneva Internet Platform <gip at diplomacy.edu>
> Is this email not displaying correctly?   View it in your browser <http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=d0bbf5f719&e=2fef12bfc7>.
> Call for Assistant Curators
> for the GIP Digital Watch observatory
> The GIP Digital Watch observatory for Internet governance and digital policy <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=3993fefaa7&e=2fef12bfc7> (dig.watch) is a comprehensive platform providing the latest developments, overviews and explanatory texts, events, resources, instruments, and stakeholders active in the field, related to 40+ digital policy issues and processes. The observatory is an initiative of the Geneva Internet Platform <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=23f1b2f0b7&e=2fef12bfc7> (GIP), operated by DiploFoundation <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=2cd3007af1&e=2fef12bfc7>, in partnership with the Internet Society <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=15a9834ef2&e=2fef12bfc7>.
> A team of assistant curators helps develop content for the observatory, carrying out research and data analysis, and reporting from digital policy events. Assistant curators are based around the world.
> The GIP is now looking to expand the team of assistant curators.
> Requirements:
> Deep knowledge and interest in Internet governance and digital policy
> A thorough overview of digital politics occurring at the national level
> Ability and guarantee to carry out tasks independently of external influence, and from a neutral point-of-view
> A very good level of English
> The ability to report from events
> Availability to participate in a six-week online training course on curating content for the observatory, with a special emphasis on reporting from digital policy events
> Availability to undertake ad hoc, remunerated tasks for the observatory.
> The selected applicants will be required to undertake a six-week training course (from end-March to mid-May 2017), funded by the GIP. The final selection for assistant curators will be based on successful completion of the training.
> Training is carried out by DiploFoundation. Successful participants will receive certification from DiploFoundation.
> How to apply? 
> Fill in the application form <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=5e372e632f&e=2fef12bfc7> by 24 March 2017. Applicants will be asked to submit your CV, and to explain their motivation for applying.
> Questions?
> E-mail the Editor at stephaniep at diplomacy.edu <mailto:stephaniep at diplomacy.edu>
> Follow us on Twitter <http://giplatform.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=121cc171b9&e=2fef12bfc7> | Forward to a friend <http://us6.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=4fd1ca1d5793b4d797ce48eb0&id=d0bbf5f719&e=2fef12bfc7>
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