[governance] Fwd: On the attack of Temer gov against CGI.br

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 10:53:12 EDT 2017

> unilateral
...and overnight

I guess it is becoming trendy to stage a coup online betting that no
one is watching...
Just like the FCC consultation - try to bury a harmful consultation so
it is easier to speed away unaccountable

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Bruna Martins dos Santos
<bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
> Fowarding this message on a situation that has been going on here in Brazil.
> The Brazilian Government opened a public consultation with the aim of
> "modernization of the structure of Internet Governance in Brazil" and
> reviewing the Decree that creates the CGI.br. Some of the axes of the public
> consultation are regarding the composition and the number of terms for which
> the councilors of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee are elected.
> Whilst it is not a negative thing to promote this public consultation on the
> Steering committee and CS in Brazil has some thoughts on that for a while,
> the point is that the consultation appears to have been proposed as an
> unilateral decision of the Govt -  which means that no stakeholder was
> consulted on this (neither inside or outside CGI.br).
> The same government who has been famous for defending the multistakeholder
> model and acknowledging it in the Marco Civil da Internet now appears to be
> promoting changes within CGI.br with no respect whatsoever to the
> multistakeholder model.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Carlos Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca>
> Date: 2017-08-09 11:44 GMT-03:00
> Subject: On the attack of Temer gov against CGI.br
> To: NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu
> Repudiation note
> On the attacks of the Temer government against the Internet Steering
> Committee in Brazil
> The Coalition on Network Rights is publicly repudiating and denouncing
> the most recent measure of the Temer management against the rights of
> Internet users in Brazil. Unilaterally, the Federal Government published
> on Tuesday, August 8th, in the Official Gazette (DOU), a public
> consultation aimed at changes in the composition, election process and
> attributions of the Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br).
> Composed by representatives of the government, the private sector, civil
> society and technical and academic specialists, CGI.br is, since its
> creation, in 1995, responsible for establishing standards and procedures
> for the use and development of the Internet in Brazil. An international
> reference for multistakeholder Internet governance, the Committee had
> its role strengthened following the promulgation of the Internet Civil
> Rights Framework (Law 12.965/2014, known as the "Marco Civil") and its
> regulatory decree, which establishes that it is the responsibility of
> the committee to define the guidelines for all issues related to the
> sector. From then on, the CGI.br became the subject of the private
> sector's dispute and greater interest.
> By publishing a public consultation to significantly change the Steering
> Committee model unilaterally and without any prior dialogue within the
> CGI.br itself, the government overrides the law and breaks with the
> pluralism that marks the debates on the Internet and its governance in
> Brazil.
> The consultation was not the subject of the last CGI.br meeting, held in
> May, and on Monday, August 7th, the day before publication in the DOU,
> the committee's coordinator appointed by the government, Maximiliano
> Martinhão, only sent an e-mail to the list of board members reporting
> that the Federal Government intended to discuss the issue - without,
> however, informing that everything was already set, in the process of
> being officially published. It is worth mentioning that, on August 18th,
> the first meeting of the new CGI.br management takes place, and the
> government could have waited to set the issue in a democratic way with
> the committee members. However, it preferred to act in an autocratic way.
> Since his inauguration as coordinator last year, Martinhão - who is also
> the Information Technology Policy Secretary at the Ministry of Science,
> Technology, Innovation and Communications - has made public statements
> in support of changes to the Internet Steering Committee. As early as
> June 2016, in the first meeting he chaired at CGI.br, after the change
> in command of the federal government, he declared that he was "receiving
> demands from small providers, content providers and investors" to change
> the composition of the body.
> The pressure to revise the strength of civil society in the committee
> grew, especially on the part of telecommunications operators, supporters
> of the government. In December, during the Internet Governance Forum in
> Mexico, organized by the United Nations, a group of civil society
> entities from more than 20 countries expressed concern and denounced
> attempts to weaken CGI.br by the Temer administration. In the first half
> of 2017, the government maneuvered to impose a standstill on behalf of a
> questionable "economy of resources".
> Martinhão and other members of the Kassab/Temer administration have also
> publicly defended the achievements of the Civil Internet Framework,
> proposing the easing of network neutrality and criticizing the need for
> users to consent to the processing of their personal data. In this
> context, the multi-sectoral composition of CGI.br has been fundamental
> for the defense of the postulates of the MCI and basic principles for
> the guarantee of a free, open and plural internet.
> For this reason, this Coalition - which brings together researchers,
> academics, developers, activists and consumer protection and freedom of
> speech entities - launched, during the last CGI electoral process, a
> public platform that called for the "strengthening of the Internet
> Steering Committee in Brazil, preserving its attributions and its
> multistakeholder character, as a guarantee of the multi-participatory
> and democratic governance of the Internet" in the country. After all,
> changing the CGI is strategic for the sectors that want to change the
> direction of Internet policies that have been implemented in the country.
> In this sense, considering the "Marco Civil", the multistakeholder
> character of the CGI and also the political moment that the country is
> going through - from an interim government of questionable legitimacy to
> undertake such changes - the Coalition on Network Rights demands the
> immediate cancellation this consultation.
> It is unacceptable that a process directly related to Internet
> governance is affected by a dubious public consultation without its
> guidelines having been discussed before, internally, by CGI.br. It is
> another example of the modus operandi of the administration that
> occupies the federal government and that has little appreciation for
> democratic processes. We will continue to denounce such attacks and seek
> support from different sectors, both inside and outside Brazil, against
> the dismantling of the Internet Steering Committee.
> August 8th, 2017
> Coalition on Network Rights
> Coalizão Direitos na Rede
> https://direitosnarede.org.br
> --
> Carlos A. Afonso
> [emails são pessoais exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário]
> [emails are personal unless explicitly indicated otherwise]
> Instituto Nupef - https://nupef.org.br
> ISOC-BR - https://isoc.org.br
> --
> Bruna Martins dos Santos
> +55 61 99252-6512
> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
> @boomartins
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