[governance] W3C Encrypted Media Extensions

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Thu Apr 13 17:56:43 EDT 2017

Dear Parminder,

i agree very much with your statement. Sometimes, you act very clear and 
strong for our free and open telecommunication.

many greetings, willi

On 13/4/2017 10:20, parminder wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 April 2017 09:05 PM, Anriette Esterhuysen wrote:
>> Dear Norbert
>> Thanks very much for posting this, for the JNC letter and for also
>> posting the links to APC and UNESCO's statements and WC3's follow up..
>> which I am still trying to fully 'interpret' :)
> Dear Anriette
> In this write up for IP Watch, I try to respond to justifications given
> in the W3C response. It is at
> https://www.ip-watch.org/2017/04/13/web-crossroads-new-standard-enables-copyright-enforcement-violating-users-rights/
> Basically, it is the regular problem - big corporations dominate a
> space, they threaten the standards body that if the standards are not as
> they want they will not use it, the standards body, without any legal/
> regulatory power behind it, succumbs. That is its only way to remain
> relevant, it thinks.
> I dont see why W3C should be so afraid of the TV/ movie style content
> going away from the Web to native apps. Let it go. That was not supposed
> to the Internet's content model - and we should not try try to change
> the Internet/ Web standards to play good to owners of such content...
> The alternative, egalitarian, content model of a p2p platform is what
> Internet/ web was supposed to be. This is the opportunity to keep that
> central character or lose it.
> parminder
>> Best
>> Anriette
>> On 12/04/2017 10:42, Norbert Bollow wrote:
>>> Those who have been here for a while will remember IGC's 2013
>>> statement in opposition to the efforts at W3C to introduce DRM to the
>>> web by means of a standardized interface called "Encrypted Media
>>> Extensions" (EME).
>>> This has unfortunately nevertheless gone forward at W3C and is now close
>>> to formal approval as a W3C Recommendation.
>>> That means that now is the final opportunity for Sir Tim Berners-Lee to
>>> use his veto power in this matter.
>>> The Just Net Coalition has just sent him an open letter, urging him to
>>> do so.
>>> http://www.justnetcoalition.org/2017/W3C_EME_objection.pdf
>>> Our corresponding press release is at:
>>> http://www.justnetcoalition.org/2017/W3C_EME_pressrelease.pdf
>>> There is also a recent statement from APC on this issue:
>>> https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/apc-statement-emerging-tension-between-corporate-a
>>> A statement from two members of the European Parliament is at:
>>> https://juliareda.eu/2017/04/open-letter-to-the-european-commission-on-encry
>>> pted-media-extensions/
>>> A statement from the UNESCO Secretariat is at:
>>>   https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/eme_letter_frank_la_rue.pdf
>>> The W3C response to the UNESCO statement is at:
>>>   https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/6225
>>> The open letter from the Just Net Coalition comments on the W3C
>>> response to the UNESCO statement.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Norbert
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