[governance] Fwd: [fellowships-alumni] Fwd: ISOC - CL : Call for contributions / CSTD WG on Enhanced Cooperation Consultation
Arsène Tungali
arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 05:42:42 EDT 2016
Just came across this, shared by a friend.
I think there is something we can do as a group or on an individual
capacity to contribute to this debate.
Even if you cannot contribute directly because you are not part of ISOC or
you just don't like them, it will be great to hear your thoughts on the
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Constance Bommelaer via Internet Society* <
Mail at connectedcommunity.org>
Date: Monday, October 24, 2016
Subject: ISOC - CL : Call for contributions / CSTD WG on Enhanced
Cooperation Consultation
To: aceesay84 at gmail.com
Dear colleagues, This is to share with you an update regarding one of the
Internet governance tracks the Internet Society has been engaged in, i...
-posted to the "Chapter Leaders Community" community
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Chapter Leaders Community
Call for contributions / CSTD WG on Enhanced Cooperation Consultation
[image: Constance Bommelaer]
Oct 24, 2016 12:12 PM
Constance Bommelaer
Dear colleagues,
This is to share with you an update regarding one of the Internet
governance tracks the Internet Society has been engaged in, i.e. the *UN
Commission on Science and Technology for Development's Working Group on
Enhanced Cooperation *(CSTD WG EC). As most of you know, the formation of
this group is one of the outcomes from the WSIS +10 Review conducted last
As its precedent, it has its basis in the Tunis Agenda
<http://www.itu.int/net/wsis/docs2/tunis/off/6rev1.html>, where the notion
of "enhanced cooperation" is developed in paragraph 69. You'll remember
that this text established a distinction between the day-to-day operations
of the Internet and Internet public policy issues. But various
interpretations have been made, hence the ongoing debate over the past
At the heart of the issue are *very different views on whether "enhanced
cooperation" *is specifically about enhancing the role of governments
in Internet governance, or whether it's about enhancing cooperation among
*all* stakeholders, including governments. ISOC supports the latter, where
we have a broad/inclusive understanding of "enhanced cooperation".
*Current consultation opportunity*
All Internet stakeholders are invited to share their thoughts with the UN
on two questions:
- What are the high level characteristics of enhanced cooperation?
- Taking into consideration the work of the previous WGEC and the Tunis
Agenda, particularly paragraphs 69-71, what kind of recommendations should
we consider?
The Internet Society is preparing its submission and would value its
members' input, either on this list or sent to Carl Gahnberg (
gahnberg at isoc.org) and myself. You can also send your contributions
directly to the UN CSTD Secretariat (stdev at unctad.org) before December 7. *For
more information*, please consult the Chair's invitation *here*.
Lastly, I would also like to encourage you to spread this information among
your respective networks/mailing lists.
Thank you and best regards,
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