[governance] Fwd: Fwd: URGENT: IGF Workshop Proposal on behalf of IGC
jlfullsack at orange.fr
Sun May 29 11:40:49 EDT 2016
Thanks to Louis for his proposal. I strongly support it !
BTW Louis' suggestion should be one of the main thematics to be addressed in the framework of WSIS. Up to now, the organisers (ITU, UNESCO, CSTD) restricted this societal thematicc to "privacy". It's highest time to break the deadlock on a wider societal debate and society-relevant proposals, fifteen years after the WSIS inception !
With very few exceptions, the last WSIS Forum was as boring as its predecessors. As usual, it was more focused on "High Level" self-promoting speeches (ministers, CEOs and organisers alike) and technocentric/deterministic declarations, than on the profound changes in human, sociological, educational, cultural, etc domains, inherent to the future of "information societies". This is what information Society is about !
Best greetings
Jean-Louis Fullsack
> Message du 29/05/16 02:39
> De : "Louis Pouzin (well)"
> A : "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" , "Arsene TUNGALI (Yahoo)"
> Copie à :
> Objet : [governance] Fwd: Fwd: URGENT: IGF Workshop Proposal on behalf of IGC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Pouzin (elc)
> Date: Sun, May 29, 2016 at 1:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [governance] Fwd: URGENT: IGF Workshop Proposal on behalf of IGC
> To: "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" , "Arsene TUNGALI (Yahoo)"
I would strongly recommend the 1st proposal on:
- Erosion of identity or homogenisation by internet - IS it important? Should it be prevented? Can it be prevented? How?
The basic concept is identity. The workshop had better focus on personal identity.
> - who someone is : the name of a person
- the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person different from others
Having an identity is a human right. How can it be managed:
- creation, protection, modification, privacy, multiple identities
- what is allowed to know parts of an identity: State, police, employer, etc.
> - privacy violations, theft, impersonation
- are identities managed properly with internet ?
- - -
> From: "Arsene TUNGALI (Yahoo)"
Date: May 28, 2016 2:11 PM
> Subject: [governance] URGENT: IGF Workshop Proposal on behalf of IGC
> To: "Internet Governance"
[Due to my issue with Spam, please do help share this email on the list again to make sure everyone got it in their email. This is to the first person who read this]
Dear list members,
I am coming back to you to share the result s of consultations we had within the WG to develop Workshop Proposal for the IGF on behalf of the IGC. I would like to thank members of the WG (co-organizers) for their contributions and for their time.
We came up with 3 workshop suggestions:
- Erosion of identity or homogenisation by internet - IS it important? Should it be prevented? Can it be prevented? How?
- A critical reflexion on the role of civil society in the Internet governance context
- ICT for development: Harnessing the role of civil society for access, finance and knowledge city
At this point, I am requesting members of the community to:
- Make comments on the suggested topics,
- Help agree on ONE topic (we will not wait for consensus but I just want to feel the room)
- Help rephrase or reorient (if appropriate) the wording on the chosen topics,
After we agreed on the above, I will send another call for speakers, panelists, onsite/remote moderators, rapporteurs, etc. Please do get ready if you are planning to be in Mexico to be involved in this workshop in any form. We will need your expertise and experience to share during the workshop.
Once this is done, then we will submit the workshop proposals to the IGF, using the online form at the IGF Website. Given the remaining time, we have less than 5 days to complete this so that by June 4th, we can submit the proposals for consideration to the IGC.
I really count on your contributions within time so we can conclude this process.
Arsène Tungali,
IGC Co-Coordinator,
> Co-founder & Executive Director, Rudi International
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