[governance] Open call for members - CSCG Working Group
Wisdom Donkor
wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Sat May 14 04:01:02 EDT 2016
Thanks for the information
On Friday, May 13, 2016, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
> (not sure whether this has been posted here – if it has, please consider
this a reminder)
> As discussed recently, a Working Group is being set up to look at the
> Society Coordination Group (CSCG), and whether there are changes that
> be made to improve its capabilities.
> A Draft Terms of Reference is below – this will be considered by the
> Group. Membership is open to people involved with civil society
> organisations, and you can join at
> Please note that, as it is intended that the group commence collaborative
deliberations as soon as
> possible and complete its work by end August, you must join by Monday,
May 23.
> If you are able to devote some time to this task in coming months, and can
> offer some expertise and inputs to assist us, we would like you to work
> us on this important task.
> DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE (to be reviewed when working group is
> 1. To examine the current structure, membership and mission of CSCG,
> and whether this structure is the best way to ensure that civil society
> representation is representative (including geographically, politically,
> and in respect of gender balance)
> 2. To consider in this examination whether a structure capable of
> receiving and administering funds to assist with civil society
> representatives attendance and travel should also be established
> 3. To consider workload and whether it is in civil society’s best
> interest to rotate nomcom membership rather than continuance of one
> representative group making all decisions
> 4. To examine current selection procedures to see whether improvements
> should be made
> 5. To report back to civil society networks with any resulting
> recommendations by August 31 2016
E-government and Open Government Data Platforms Specialist
National Information Technology Agency (NITA)/
Ghana Open Data Initiative Project.
ICANN Fellow / Member, UN IGF MAG Member, ISOC Member,
Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) Member, Diplo Foundation Member,
OGP Open Data WG Member, GODAN Memember, ITAG Member
Email: wisdom_dk at hotmail.com
wisdom.donkor at data.gov.gh
wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Skype: wisdom_dk
facebook: facebook at wisdom_dk
Website: www.nita.gov.gh / www.data.gov.gh
www.isoc.gh / www.itag.org.gh
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