[governance] Fwd: Call for input to President's Commission on Enhancing Cybersecurity - bridging the trust gap between the IT community and the US government

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Mon Jul 18 15:01:27 EDT 2016

Dear friends and especially in the USA,

this Call for Input i have received on the hackerspaces discussion list. 
But Herb Lin from the Stanford University is interested for distribution.

Clear, i think, this is first directed to the people from the USA. But 
the result, and the theme, is for the people from our planet.

I don't understand this strategy for this Input. But i hope, many people 
from USA start to do it.

many greetings, willi, german
Manaus, Brasil

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [hackerspaces] Fwd: Call for input to President's Commission on 
Enhancing Cybersecurity - bridging the trust gap between the IT 
community and the US government
Datum: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 21:56:39 -0300
Von: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com>
An: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Kopie (CC): Hackerspaces General Discussion List 
<discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>

- - - Begin forwarded message - - -

Date: July 15, 2016 at 3:21:32 PM EDT
From: Herb Lin <herblin at stanford.edu>
To: "'David Farber (dave at farber.net)'" <dave at farber.net>, ip <ip at listbox.com
Subject: Call for input to President's Commission on Enhancing
    Cybersecurity - bridging the trust gap between the IT community
    and the US government

Dear IPers -

You may know that President Obama has established a commission to
consider how to strengthen cybersecurity in both the public and
private sectors while protecting privacy, ensuring public safety and
economic and national security, fostering discovery and development
of new technical solutions, and bolstering partnerships between
Federal, State, and local government and the private sector in the
development, promotion, and use of cybersecurity technologies,
policies, and best practices.  (See
I am one of the 12 designated commissioners.

Recognizing that trust is hard to build and easy to destroy (and a
variety of things have happened over the last 20 years have occurred
to do the latter), one issue that has come up is the enormous gap of
trust between the U.S. government and the information technology
(IT) community, from which many IPers are drawn.  This rift is not
helpful to either side, and I'd like to solicit input from the IP
community about what you think the government can do or refrain from
doing to help bridge that gap.

It would be most helpful if you could three things in your response:

1 - Your best examples of things the government (and what part of the
US government) has done to alienate the IT community specifically.
(Or, at the very least, show how the examples you provide connect to
the interests of the IT community.)

2 - Things that the U.S. government could realistically do in the
short and medium term (i.e., 0-10 year time frame) that would help
bridge the trust gap.  If your answer is "Don't do dumb things!", it
would be better and more useful to provide *examples* of what not to

3 - Things that the U.S. government could realistically do in the
longer term to do the same.

Please send your responses to CENCinput1 at gmail.com.  (I set up this
email address, but I'd like to keep the traffic separate from my
non-Commission work email.)  I promise to read as many as I can
individually and share what I learn with the commission membership.

Also, feel free to circulate this call for input to anyone else you
feel would want to comment.

Thanks much


Herb Lin
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation
Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305  USA
herblin at stanford.edu
650-497-8600 office || 202-841-0525 cell || 202-540-9878 fax
AIM herblin (any time you see me)
Skype herbert_lin (usually by appointment)
Twitter @HerbLinCyber
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