[governance] Centre for Communication Governance: Highlights from 2016 (mid-year update)
Aarti Bhavana
aarti.bhavana at nludelhi.ac.in
Fri Jul 8 07:53:08 EDT 2016
Dear All,
Please find attached a mid-year update from the Centre for Communication
Governance at National Law University, Delhi.
The first six months of 2016 have seen a series of important changes in the
information policy space in India and internationally. Debates on net
neutrality, Aadhaar and Internet Shutdowns raised important legal and
policy questions in India. At the global stage, the completion of important
transformations like the WSIS+10 process, and the IANA transition have
given the global internet governance regime a new mandate.
It has been our privilege to be closely involved with these processes. The
attached newsletter offers a mid-year update about the work that we have
done so far at the Centre for Communication Governance in 2016. The
highlights include:
- A lecture on surveillance in India as a part the Mellon Sawyer seminar
series at UC Davis.
- Academic sector membership of the International Telecommunication
Union. This will help tremendously with our research.
- Participation in the WSIS forum this year as a high-level facilitator
for the event. We also co-hosted a panel on the Working Group for Enhanced
- A research paper on human rights in the WSIS process, that brings
nuance to the articulation of human rights on the internet at the
international level.
- TRAI adopted our freedom of expression and constitution law arguments
in its explanatory memorandum to the Prohibition of Differential Tariffs
for Data Services Regulations, 2016.
- Our table detailing all Internet Shutdowns in India was submitted to
the Indian Supreme Court as a part of a petition challenging the practice
of Internet Shutdowns.
- Our memorandum on the Aadhaar money bill was submitted to petitioner
challenging the money bill before the Supreme Court of India, and our
opinion piece criticising the legislation was circulated widely.
I invite you to take a look at the work the Centre has produced so far. We
have several interesting projects, including one on multistakeholderism in
internet governance, that we shall be sharing with you at in the coming
We thank you for your continued support and welcome your feedback about how
we can do better.
Aarti Bhavana | Research Fellow
Centre for Communication Governance | National Law University, Delhi |
Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078 | Fax: (+91) 11-280-34256 | www.ccgdelhi.org .
www.ccgtlr.org <http://www.ccgdelhi.org/> .
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