[governance] Nominations for new Co-coordinator
jfcallo at ciencitec.com
jfcallo at ciencitec.com
Sat Jan 23 17:34:46 EST 2016
Señoras y señores de este Foro
Veo con mucho interés la postulación del Ecuatoriano y Latinoamericano
Carlos Vera Quintana; desde ya es un logro para quienes estamos ear de
n el lado hispanohablante.
Pediría a Carlos, una fluida comunicación con quienes tenemos interés
en difundir y hacer un bune uso de Internet y sobretodo
democratizarlo, al margen de Capitulos de ISOC, como el caso de Perú,
que hasta ahora no funciona y nadie hace nada para que podamos
resurgirlo, a pesar de un interés de personas y profesionales que
buscan ampliar sus conocimientos y compartir sus experiencias.
Carlos, la mayor de las albricias por tu postulación y creo que tu
hoja de vida no necesita ser un libro de 1,000 páginas por tus obras
te conocemos.
José F. Callo Romero
Lic. en Comunicación
Fundador de ISOC- Peru (en exilio)
Lima - Perú
Carlos Vera Quintana <cveraq at gmail.com> escribió:
> Here you are. Fast mode translation before a coffe cup.
> Carlos Vera Quintana, Ecuadorian, Electronic Engineer, Master in
> International Relations and an active participant in national and
> international forums on IG for over 15 years.
> I'm international director of the Internet Society Ecuador Chapter
> since 1999 and participated in organizations such as Icann, GIGANET,
> I have been a board member of various business, professional, civil
> society and government organization, so I can say I know these areas
> very closely with practical work and results.
> I have been president of the Association of Electrical and
> Electronics Engineers of Ecuador (professional association) ICT
> Sector and Internet of the Chamber of Small and medium Industry
> (business sector), the Connectivity Agenda of Ecuador (government)
> and Internet Society Internet Ecuador chapter, an international
> organization with chapters in more than 120 countries (Civil
> Society, users and citizens).
> I have an excellent tech background by profession, practice and
> academic experience. And I have worked in international relations
> and Negociones since 1999 in groups such as the Free Trade Area
> Agreement for America, FTAA, Free Trade with USA, World Summit on
> Information Society, Internet Governance Forum and as an academic in
> Ecuador and other Latin American countries.
> I have participated in projects and events on IG and related topics
> in academic, business and government sectors in America, Europe,
> Asia, Africa and Australia for more than 20 years.
> I am English proficient and understand Portuguese. I have an strong
> background on technologies, networks, computer systems, Internet,
> software, IG, hardware and humanware.
> My contribution to the world of the IG is in several areas since the
> creation of local groups working on these issues going through the
> participation in several of the most important international forums
> both locally and in virtual mode.
> I have specialized courses in Cyber laws, Cyber crime, Intellectual
> Property on the Internet, Mediation, International Negotiation at
> Harvard berkman Center, Georgetown University and others.
> Led the implementation of the Internet Governance Forum in Ecuador
> and Internet Steering Committee of Ecuador.
> I believe that I have the knowledge and ability in the technology
> aspects, International Relations and Governance to be very useful in
> the work to be done.
> I have been a Councilor of Citizen Participation in Ecuador (rank of
> Minister of State) among other dignities that enable me to interact
> with diverse interest groups as needed on these issues.
> I was selected as Latin American's Grand Jury for the World Summit
> Award of WSIS and which further certifies my skills.
> I organized, in a join venture with an international team LACNIC
> 2012., the Latin America's largest technology and Internet-IG event
> in Quito with more than 450 international participants in
> cooperation between LACNIC and Telecommunications Superintendence of
> Ecuador.
> You can contact me by email for any clarification or expansion on my
> curriculum and this nomination.
> Sincerely
> Carlos Vera
> Ecuador
> follow me @isocec @cveraq
> Carlos Vera Quintana
> 0988141143
> Sígueme @cveraq
>> El 20 ene 2016, a las 8:34 p.m., Analia Aspis
>> <analia.aspis at gmail.com> escribió:
>> Estimado Carlos,
>> Recibida tu postulación! Vamos a tenerte al corriente en los
>> próximos días sobre el proceso de votación. Si pudieras traducirla
>> para que otros tantos puedan saber de tu perfil, creo que sería de
>> gran valor para tu postulación ;)
>> Cariños,
>> Analía
>> Co-coordinator
>> 2016-01-20 19:36 GMT-03:00 Antonio Medina Gómez <amedinagomez at gmail.com>:
>>> Cordial saludo para todos en la lista.
>>> La Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet, ACUI apoya la
>>> postulación de Carlos Vera.
>>> Carlos tiene conocimientos y experiencia para realizar el trabajo
>>> con idoneidad.
>>> Antonio Medina Gomez
>>> Presidente ACUI
>>> El 20/01/2016 15:30, "Carlos Vera Quintana" <cveraq at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>> Gracias soy Carlos Vera Quintana, Ecuatoriano, Ingeniero
>>>> Electrónico, Master en Relaciones Internacionales y participante
>>>> activo en diversos foros nacionales e internacionales sobre IG
>>>> desde hace más de 15 años.
>>>> Soy director internacional de la internet Society capítulo
>>>> Ecuador desde 1999 y participo de organizaciones como GIGANET e
>>>> Icann en el RALO latinoamericano.
>>>> He sido miembro de diversos directorios empresariales, gremiales,
>>>> de la sociedad civil y del gobierno, por lo que puedo decir que
>>>> conozco estos sectores muy de cerca con trabajo practico y de
>>>> resultados.
>>>> He sido presidente del Colegio de Ingenieros Electricos y
>>>> Electrónicos del Ecuador (gremio profesional), del Sector de TICs
>>>> e Internet de la Cámara de la Pequeña Industria (sector
>>>> empresarial), de la Comisión de Conectividad del Ecuador
>>>> (gobierno) y de la Sociedad de Internet en Ecuador participando
>>>> de la Sociedad de Internet con capítulos en más de 120 países
>>>> (Sociedad Civil, usuarios y ciudadanos).
>>>> Tengo un excelente background Tecnologico especializado por
>>>> profesión y por experiencia práctica y académica. Y he trabajado
>>>> en Relaciones y Negociones internacionales desde 1999 en grupos
>>>> como el AREA de Libre Comercio, Tratados de Libre Comercio,
>>>> Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, Foros de
>>>> Gobernanza de Internet y como académico en Ecuador y varios
>>>> países de Latinoamérica.
>>>> He participado de trabajos, proyectos, eventos sobre IG y temas
>>>> de te ilógica, relaciones de gobierno, redes de tecnología,
>>>> proyectos de Gobernanza en diversas áreas, sector académico,
>>>> empresarial y gubernamental en América, Europa, Asia, África y
>>>> Australia por más de 20 años.
>>>> Soy suficiente en Inglés y entiendo portugués. Tengo un manejo
>>>> experto de las tecnologías, redes, sistemas, Internet, software,
>>>> hardware y humanware.
>>>> Mi aporte al mundo de la IG se encuentra en varias áreas desde la
>>>> creación de los grupos locales de trabajo sobre estos temas hasta
>>>> la participación en buena parte de foros a nivel internacional de
>>>> modo presencial y virtual.
>>>> Cuento con cursos especializados en Cyberleyes, Cyberdelitos,
>>>> Propiedad Intelectual en la Red, Mediación, Negociación
>>>> Internacional en verían Center de Hardvard, GeorgeTown University
>>>> y otros.
>>>> Lidero la implementación del FORO DE GOBERNANZA de INTERNET en
>>>> Ecuador y del Comité Gestor de Internet de Ecuador.
>>>> Considero que cuento con el conocimiento y la capacidad en los
>>>> aspectos Tecnologico y de Relaciones Internacionales, así como de
>>>> Gobernanza para ser de mucha utilidad en el trabajo a realizar.
>>>> He sido Consejero de Participación Ciudadana en Ecuador (rango de
>>>> Ministro de Estado) entre otras dignidades que me capacitan para
>>>> interactuar con grupos de interés diverso tan necesario en estos
>>>> temas.
>>>> He sido Gran Jurado Latinoamericano del World Summit Award y
>>>> otras distinciones igualmente relacionadas con este ámbito lo que
>>>> certifica adicionalmente mis competencias.
>>>> Organicé con un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinario nacional w
>>>> internacional en el 2012 el mayor foro latinoamericano de
>>>> Tecnología e Internet con temas de IG incluidos en Quito con más
>>>> de 450 participantes internacionales en una cooperación entre
>>>> LACNIC y la Súper de Telecomunicaciones del Ecuador.
>>>> Me pueden contactar por email por cualquier aclaración o
>>>> ampliación sobre mi hija de vida y esta postulación.
>>>> Atento saludo
>>>> Carlos Vera
>>>> Ecuador
>>>> síganme @cveraq @isocec
>>>> Carlos Vera Quintana
>>>> 0988141143
>>>> Sígueme @cveraq
>>>>> El 20 ene 2016, a las 2:39 p.m., Analia Aspis
>>>>> <analia.aspis at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>> Carlos,
>>>>> Gracias por tu interés. Te pido entonces envíes un mail (en
>>>>> inglés o español) al mail de igc caucus
>>>>> (governance at list.igcaucus.org) explicando las razones por las
>>>>> cuales quieres postularte como co-coordinador y alguna
>>>>> referencia a tu experiencia o relación con el mundo IG. Una vez
>>>>> recibido, serás puesto en la lista de nominados para luego
>>>>> circular la lista definitiva previo al proceso de elección de
>>>>> los miembros del IGC. Cuanto más claro sea tu perfil, más van a
>>>>> tener la oportunida de conocerte quienes vayan a votar :)
>>>>> Cariños,
>>>>> Analía
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Carlos Vera <cveraq at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hola me gustaria postularme. Gracias por orientanos al respecto
>>>>>> Saludos
>>>>>> Carlos Vera
>>>>>> Ecuador
>>>>>> 2016-01-19 11:15 GMT-05:00 Analia Aspis <analia.aspis at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Amigos hispanohablantes!
>>>>>>> Antes de haber sido elegida como co-coordinadora el año
>>>>>>> pasado, no tenía conocimiento alguno de las personas que me
>>>>>>> han votado para desempeñar ese rol, y no soy de las que se
>>>>>>> caraterizan por aplaudir y menos sobornar (jajaja en Argentina
>>>>>>> no tenemos plata para eso) por lo cual dictaminar sin
>>>>>>> fundamento que es antidemocrático o solamente por amiguismo me
>>>>>>> parece que no tiene fundamento. Los invito a proponerse como
>>>>>>> co-coordinadores este año ya que es una interesante
>>>>>>> experiencia de networking y sociedad civil.
>>>>>>> La autonominación consiste simplemente es enviar un mail,
>>>>>>> señalar su background y porqué les gustaría ser parte del IGC,
>>>>>>> si tienen dudas o pregutnas con gusto les responderé para
>>>>>>> animarlos a postular.
>>>>>>> Cariños,
>>>>>>> Analía
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Ginger Paque
>>>>>>>> <gpaque at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Estimados,
>>>>>>>> No entiendo en absoluto porque hacen esas alegaciones. Será
>>>>>>>> posible que den un poco de historia y detalles para explicar
>>>>>>>> porque hacen estos comentarios? Yo, por lo menos, no le veo
>>>>>>>> ningún fundamento, y opino que para hacer un comentario así,
>>>>>>>> es importante explicarlo. Gracias.
>>>>>>>> Saludos cordiales,
>>>>>>>> Ginger
>>>>>>>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>>>>>>>> DiploFoundation
>>>>>>>> DiploFoundation upcoming online courses:
>>>>>>>> http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses
>>>>>>>>> On 17 January 2016 at 09:43, <jfcallo at ciencitec.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ilustre José Felix
>>>>>>>>> Previo saludo, este formalismo, es al parecer pura
>>>>>>>>> apariencia, aquí existe la "dedocracia", se eligene entre
>>>>>>>>> amigos, compadres o vecinos...¿hasta cuando?. El resto mira,
>>>>>>>>> lee y otros como siempre aplauden y sobonean.
>>>>>>>>> Atentamente
>>>>>>>>> José F. Callo Romero
>>>>>>>>> Lima - Perú.
>>>>>>>>> José Félix Arias Ynche <jaryn56 at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Yo creo que, el llamado a elegir a un nuevo co-coordinador
>>>>>>>>>> del Caucus,
>>>>>>>>>> para reemplazar a Deirdre que ha completado su mandato de
>>>>>>>>>> dos años, es
>>>>>>>>>> simplemente un papeleo formal; por que creo que ya se tiene al
>>>>>>>>>> nominado o al elegido.
>>>>>>>>>> Cordialmente: José Félix Arias Ynche
>>>>>>>>>> Investigador Social Para El
>>>>>>>>>> Desarrollo Sostenible
>>>>>>>>>> 2016-01-13 13:12 GMT-05:00 Analia Aspis <analia.aspis at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Akinremi,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you. We do acknowlegde your self nomination.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Analía
>>>>>>>>>>> Co-coordinator
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Akinremi Peter Taiwo
>>>>>>>>>>> <compsoftnet at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear IGC Folks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> As we all know that there is need for new
>>>>>>>>>>>> co-coordinator to serve for
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016 - 2018. I am nominating myself and willing to serve
>>>>>>>>>>>> as Co-coordinator
>>>>>>>>>>>> of IGC for this period.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have more than the required skills and expertise to
>>>>>>>>>>>> function very well
>>>>>>>>>>>> in this capacity. Working as an IT consultant has
>>>>>>>>>>>> equipped me to understand
>>>>>>>>>>>> the rudiments of IT technologies (software, hardware and
>>>>>>>>>>>> humanware).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have been privileged to facilitate international online
>>>>>>>>>>>> discussions
>>>>>>>>>>>> (FIN4AGRIC); served as social media coordinator of remote
>>>>>>>>>>>> IGF events in
>>>>>>>>>>>> Calabar, Nigeria; joined (NCSG) and contributes at
>>>>>>>>>>>> several webinars and a
>>>>>>>>>>>> strong advocate from remote participation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have taken several courses including but not limited to
>>>>>>>>>>>> IT, education,
>>>>>>>>>>>> management, climate change, policy and implementation
>>>>>>>>>>>> which has widened my
>>>>>>>>>>>> knowledge to function (DiploFoundation, Worldbank
>>>>>>>>>>>> Institute, YaliNetwork
>>>>>>>>>>>> etc).
>>>>>>>>>>>> I possess listening hear, patience, ability to resolve
>>>>>>>>>>>> conflicts, task
>>>>>>>>>>>> prioritization, time management, and sense of judgment.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In order to be successful in any position and achieve
>>>>>>>>>>>> results, there's
>>>>>>>>>>>> need for strong relationship. As a coordinator for IGC
>>>>>>>>>>>> for 2016 - 2018, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> will strive to build strong relationship among IGC
>>>>>>>>>>>> Members that will ensure
>>>>>>>>>>>> strong discussion and early consensus while ensuring
>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone voice and
>>>>>>>>>>>> needs is given attention.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I seek your support all.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 11, 2016 6:47 PM, "Deirdre Williams"
>>>>>>>>>>>> <williams.deirdre at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Remmy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your congratulations and for the reminder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It seemed best to keep the call for nominations short
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and simple, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> agree with you that an outline of the responsibilities
>>>>>>>>>>>>> involved is timely.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are the duties as described on the website.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Duties of Coordinators
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first and most important duty of the coordinator(s)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is to facilitate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the discussions and enable the members of the caucus to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reach consensus
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whenever possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In cases where the IGC cannot reach full consensus, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> two coordinators
>>>>>>>>>>>>> together can make a decision on rough consensus subject
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to an appeal as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> described below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The coordinators are also responsible for defining and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> assigning any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other tasks that need to be carried out in support of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the caucus such as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> list management, web site management or support of other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tools. These
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decisions will require the advice of the membership and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be appealed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the appeals team.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://igcaucus.org/charter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would add from my own experience the need for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> patience, tact, common
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense and a fair amount of time. Because the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinators need to be neutral
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is also necessary sometimes to abstain from taking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> part in exciting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The IGC face to face meeting in Joao Pessoa was small
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but active with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals for changes coming from Arsene and Renata.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonigitu had also
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicated that he had suggestions, but unfortunately
>>>>>>>>>>>>> missed the meeting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> These ideas will be issues for discussion this year.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to use this opportunity to say a preliminary
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thank you to all of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you who have supported and helped me during the course
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of these two years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The co-coordinators owe special thanks to Jeremy who has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> patiently rescued
>>>>>>>>>>>>> us from several technical difficulties.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deirdre
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 January 2016 at 12:06, Remmy Nweke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <remmyn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks DD and congratulations on completing your tenure.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think as much we call for nominations to remind the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group what is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expectations in terms the responsibility therein.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy nomination season.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remmy Nweke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @ITRealms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Deirdre Williams
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: 11/01/2016 14:53
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Internet Governance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [governance] Nominations for new Co-coordinator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear IGC members,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The time is overdue to elect a new co-coordinator for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Caucus, to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replace Deirdre who has completed her two-year term,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and to work with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Analia.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We invite members of the IGC to nominate candidates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (please check with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them first about their willingness to serve), or to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nominate themselves as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> co-coordinator to serve from 2016-2018. The nominations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> period will be open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until midnight UTC on Sunday 31st January.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes and good luck
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deirdre and Analia
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Co-coordinators
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IGC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowledge" Sir
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> William Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowledge" Sir William
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
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