[governance] Fwd: [bestbits] [Call for expressions of interest] WSIS Review: Civil society coordination meeting in October
ahmed eisa sudan
ahmed22digital at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 13:05:07 EDT 2015
Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa
+249123031155 Sudani
+249912331155 Zain
+249999331155 MTN
KHARTOUM alamaraat P.O.BOX 15021
post code 12217
Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit
organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where
ICT is used for community development. GDCO is the winner of information
for development award (i4d 2007 awards e-India) for the inclusion of the
disabled, GDCO is the winner of i4d 2008 awards for the best innovations
at the grassroots Telecentres and the winner of i4d 2009 for the
initiatives of civil society for development (e-agriculture project and
other e-services).. ..it is the winner of eWorld award 2011. it is the
winner of best innovative NGO working on ICT for community development in
Sudan. The winner of best album in Telecentre 2011 Philippines .. it the
founder of the first Telecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the
thirteen in world ..The Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands (the
founder and well-known partner of GDCO in Netherlands) donated 750
computers and more than ten projects were established using ICT for
community development and one of them is e-agriculture. GDCO & SPEG
(foundation of eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects) started new
partnership for community development including people with disability
(especially deaf), gedaref university, (faculty of medicine) e-agriculture,
SeVO and other project
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:27 PM, Deirdre Williams <
williams.deirdre at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is of interest in this space as well.
> Deirdre
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lea Kaspar <lea at gp-digital.org>
> Date: 15 September 2015 at 14:58
> Subject: [bestbits] [Call for expressions of interest] WSIS Review: Civil
> society coordination meeting in October
> To: Best Bits <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
> Dear friends,
> [with apologies for cross-posting]
> We would like to bring to your attention *the call for expressions of
> interest* to participate in *a meeting to facilitate civil society
> engagement in the WSIS Review process, *scheduled to take place on *October
> 14-15, in New York.* The meeting is being organised by Global Partners
> Digital (GPD), in collaboration with the Association for Progressive
> Communications (APC), Access Now, the Centre for Communication Governance
> at the National Law University in Delhi, Coding Rights, FGV/ CTS, Internet
> Democracy Project, KICTANet, and Public Knowledge, with support of the
> government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
> The WSIS process has been a unique vehicle in promoting a
> development-oriented, human rights respecting information society,
> recognizing the important role played by all stakeholders in its
> governance. This year, as WSIS marks its 10th anniversary, the UN General
> Assembly is set to evaluate its progress and decide its future
> <http://unpan3.un.org/wsis10/>. In order for the WSIS to continue acting
> as a conduit for ICT4D underpinned by human rights beyond 2015, it is
> important that views of all stakeholders, especially those from developing
> countries, are reflected in its outcomes. To contribute to this goal, this
> meeting will aim to further coordinate global civil society priorities,
> input and engagement in the Review process. The New York meeting will take
> place in advance of the deadline for submissions on the zero-draft of the
> Review outcome document (October 15) as well as the informal interactive
> consultations on October 19. The meeting agenda will be shared closer to
> the date.
> Those interested in attending should fill in the expression of interest
> form available here
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zsNlEa2MghLGe691ReHNMqj4gXKlhxu4VsR5rzLBGBY/viewform?usp=send_form>.
> Limited financial support is available for a number of participants and the
> information given will help decide who will receive support. Applications
> will be reviewed and evaluated by GPD and the Dutch government, based on
> the following criteria:
> - An active member of civil society/relevant organisation (e.g. no
> private sector or government organisations)
> - Previous engagement in the WSIS process and its Review
> - Ability to show motivation and benefit to the applicant's future
> work from participating in the meeting
> - Ability to show how the applicant's participation in the meeting
> would enhance civil society engagement in the WSIS and its Review
> - Geographic and gender diversity
> Criteria for financial support are designed to ensure that a diverse
> spread of participants - with focus on global south applicants and those
> who have previously been engaged in the Review - is achieved, and to secure
> gender and regional diversity. Due to time constraints and difficulties
> this poses for obtaining visas, visa status may be taken into account for
> applications received after the second deadline (24 September).
> The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and successful
> applicants will be notified within 3 working days of each deadline:
> - *Round 1 deadline: Friday, September 18th*
> - Round 2 deadline: Thursday, September 24th*
> - Round 3 deadline: Thursday, October 1st*
> **We advise those who require visas to apply as soon as possible, ideally
> by the first deadline.*
> Lastly, *if you or your organisation are interested in co-organising the
> meeting* - either by dedicating your time and energy to develop the
> concept, agenda and outputs, or by contributing funding towards
> participation of participants or logistical costs of the meeting, *let us
> know by Friday 18th September*.
> Please share this call widely.
> P.S. Please note that Coding Rights has set up a WSIS+10 resource platform
> for the Latin American context, and all are invited to engage there [see
> note below for more information].
> Best,
> On behalf of the co-organisers,
> Lea
> ************
> Note:
> Particularly for the Latin American and Caribbean context, Coding Rights,
> in partnership with APC and support of GPD, is developing a WSIS+10
> resources platform at http://wsislatam.codingrights.org. The goal is to
> highlight the core issues that are at the stake for the region and enable
> people to comment in a specific session/paragraph of the next documents
> that are/will be under consultation (namely the non-paper; zero draft and
> second draft).
> The goal is to enable civil society representatives to quickly collaborate
> in an issue based approach, according to their field of knowledge, research
> and concern, even if they do not have the time to engage in all the issues
> of the WSIS review process to organise their own submission. Comments in
> that platform will be simply compiled and forwarded to the Secretariat,
> according to Preparatory Process Roadmap reviewing WSIS+10, to amplify
> voices from the region and posted at wsislatam.codingrights.org as a
> reference for next steps of regional advocacy strategies. Please, feel
> invited to engage there.
> ---
> *Lea Kaspar*
> Head of Programmes and International Policy | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL
> Development House, 56–64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT
> T: +44 (0)20 7549 0337 | M: +44 (0)7583 929216 | Skype: l.kaspar
> gp-digital.org
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> --
> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir William
> Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
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