[governance] Internet & Taxation, IGF WS 200, Nov. 12, @4pm (local time), room 6
Sérgio Alves Jr.
sergioalvesjunior at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 15:09:23 EST 2015
Dear colleagues,
CEDIS/IDP and IBIDEM kindly invite you to join us tomorrow for a talk on
Internet & Taxation.
[image: Sched.org Event]
*for* IGF 2015
*4:00pm-5:30pm* @ Workshop Room 6
WS 200 A Double Irish, a Dutch Sandwich, and a Caipirinha, por favor:
an Internet & Taxation Tale
= Workshop 200, Thursday, 4pm:
The interest of governments in understanding and taxing Internet services
is escalating. Whereas some countries are interested in fighting
international tax-avoidance strategies of multinational companies, others
tackle the issue of taxing specific Internet services within their
Due to the novelty of the topic at this venue, the organizers expect to (i)
collect the views of different stakeholders, (ii) highlight some of the
most important issues pertaining to Internet taxation, (iii) identify
proper venues where this matter (iii.a) is being and (iii.b) should be
addressed, (iv) brainstorm ways forward (e.g., best practices, formal legal
compromises, multilateral and multistakeholder approaches), (v) establish a
coalition of stakeholders interested in further research and development on
this matter.
Expected taxation topics: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), OTTs and
telecom services, digital currencies, cloud, data centers, e-commerce,
internacional corporate strategies, jurisdiction, taxing/detaxing, public
1. Balázs Gulyás, Civil society, Hungary
2. Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas, Comissioner, Anatel (National
Telecommunication Agency), Brazil
3. Primavera di Philippi, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard
University, USA/France
4. Carlos J. Perez Chow, Creel Abogados, Mexico
5. Usman Ahmed, Georgetown University Law Center, United States
6. Renata Emery, Partner of Xavier, Duque Estrada, Emery, Denardi
Advogados, Brazil
7. Parminder Jeet Singh, IT for Change, India
8. Fitahiana Zoniaina Rakotomalala, Civil Society, Madagascar
9. Carlos Raúl Gutierrez, GNSO Council at ICANN, Costa Rica
Due to the novelty and complexity of this Internet Economy issue at the
IGF, CEDIS/IDP and IBIDEM propose to structure the panel into a
presentation format that would facilitate the discussion of the following
(i) What are the basic issues surrounding the taxation on the Internet?
(ii) What are the common measures being put in place by governments?
(iii) What are the most common corporate practices (e.g. the double Irish
with a Dutch sandwich arrangement )?
(iv) Are there best practices to be shared?
(v) Are formal legal instruments a way out?
(vi) Is it possible to consider this topic from a multistakeholder
(vii) What are the proper venues for debating Internet taxation?
(viii) What are the ways forward?
With the support of experts from different stakeholder groups and open
access to remote participants, the workshop would enable the following
(i) The collection of the views of different stakeholders;
(ii) A more detailed problem definition;
(iii) Identification of some of the most important issues pertaining to
Internet taxation;
(iv) Identification of proper venues where this matter is being and should
be addressed;
(v) Possible ways forward (e.g., best practices, formal legal compromises,
multilateral and multistakeholder approaches);
(vi) Establishment of a coalition of stakeholders interested in further
research and development on this issue.
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*Sérgio Alves Jr.*
Centro de Direito, Internet & Sociedade do Instituto Brasiliense de Direito
Público (CEDIS/IDP)
sergio.alves at idp.edu.br
*About CEDIS/IDP*: The “Centro de Direito, Internet e Sociedade do
Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público” is an Internet & society research
team led by experienced academics and practitioners in the filed. IDP is a
leading law school in Brasilia, Brazil.
*About IBIDEM*: The “Instituto Beta para Internet e Democracia” is a
non-profit aimed at promoting legal and political rights in the Internet
and ICT environment.
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