[governance] IGC meeting in Joao Pessoa
Wisdom Donkor
wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 04:43:07 EST 2015
I will attend
On Sunday, November 1, 2015, Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com>
> Dear IGC members,
> Deirdre heard late Thursday afternoon that she will have funding to
attend IGF 2015 in Joao Pessoa. Through the good offices of Eleonora we
have a meeting room – Bilateral Room 3 – on Wednesday 11th November (Day 2)
from 12.00 to 1300. Could you please indicate whether you will be willing
and able to attend a face to face meeting of the IGC at that date and time?
> Whether you will be in Brazil or not we would be grateful for input for
an agenda. Please remember that we have only one hour for the meeting.
> Thank you
> Deirdre and Analia
> --
> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir William
Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
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