[governance] [bestbits] CSCG nominations for civil society speakers at IGF
Mueller, Milton L
milton at gatech.edu
Sun Nov 1 20:51:31 EST 2015
Ooops, I sent that before I finished my thought.
Anyway, as the closing ceremony speaker from last year, I would highly recommend that Joanna be in the opening session! She’ll get 10 times as much exposure.
From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] On Behalf Of Carolina Rossini
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2015 1:32 PM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org; joana at varonferraz.com
Cc: Lea Kaspar <lea at gp-digital.org>; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> < <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>; Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>; JNC Forum <forum at justnetcoalition.org>
Subject: Re: [governance] [bestbits] CSCG nominations for civil society speakers at IGF
Good that you sent an updated bio Jo, I was about to do that when I saw Ian's email.
I am very happy about the nominations, but I would invert the order of possible. Having a Brazilian at the end, as we had Grace and Burcu as CS for closing ceremony, is VERY important politically.
Not just for CS, but actually more as a opportunity to have the closing speech also refer to national issues and ask specific commitments from the Brazilian policy makers there. As Joana is incredible aware, since she is deeply involved in the discussions, folks are trying to puncture Marco Civil and cut back on other digital rights in Brazil... We - the digital rights community - lost a lot of attention due to all the political corruption that has take over all the media attention.
We need to have Joana - as a Brasilian - putting the "country" against the wall in front of everybody. And I feel the closing ceremony is better for that purpose.
I am saying all this without having spoken with Joana. So, I am not sure if she is available.
But I wanted to make sure to leave my opinion on this issue.
On Friday, October 30, 2015, <joana at varonferraz.com<mailto:joana at varonferraz.com>> wrote:
Thanks, Ian and everyone!
I cannot express how honored I'm for this nomination. I hope I can respond to the task with the bright it entails.
As soon as nomination is confirmed I will share a pad for people to bring inputs. Will already be dreaming with some insights.
Just a correction in my institutional presentation as I'm not CTS for more then 1 and half year now :):
I'm founder director and creative chaos catalyst of Coding Rights, a women lead think-and-do tank with the mission to bring hackers, geeks, artists, researchers and activists together to protect, promote and mainstream digital rights and empower women on ICTs. More on @codingrights or codingrights.org<http://codingrights.org> (still temporary work in progress)
Thank you once again and have safe travels to João Pessoa. We will be waiting for you all to cheer with caipirinhas or fresh coconut water.
Kind regards,
On 30 Oct 2015 17:36, Lea Kaspar <lea at gp-digital.org<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','lea at gp-digital.org');>> wrote:
Congratulations to both, proud to be represented by these women.
Many thanks to the CSCG for their work - excellent choices.
Best wishes,
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ian.peter at ianpeter.com');>> wrote:
Below are the two nominations from Civil Society Coordination Group for speakers for this years IGF opening and closing ceremonies. They were chosen from a field of 20 names submitted from various civil society coalitions, and have been forwarded to the IGF Secretariat. I must say that any of the 20 names submitted could have represented us admirably, and that it was a tough decision for the CSCG members to come up with 2 names.
Joana Varon (Brazil) – opening ceremony – joana at varonferraz.com<mailto:joana at varonferraz.com>
Nadine Moawad (Lebanon) – closing ceremony – nadine at apcwomen.org<mailto:nadine at apcwomen.org>
For those who don’t know them,
Joana Varon Ferraz is a researcher and project coordinator at the Centre for Technology and Society from Fundação Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro
Nadine Moawad is a Lebanese feminist activist and grasssroots worker who leads Association for Progressive Communication (APC)'s sexual
rights work.
We commend them both as informed excellent communicators to represent civil society. They have both been informed of their nominations.
Ian Peter (Independent Chair, Civil Society Coordination Group)
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Carolina Rossini
Vice President, International Policy
Public Knowledge
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