[governance] Who are we?
willi uebelherr
willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Sat May 23 13:14:28 EDT 2015
Dear Deirdre,
yes, i support very much your intention. But not your way, how you
practice it.
The objection of Norbert is entitled. I don't know the history of all
the groups. But what i see and what i learned is, that all people want
to change the situation, that the most part of the people on our planet
have no free access to this system, what we give the name "Internet".
But all we know, with a free flow of information, the time for wars on
our planet is ended. And also the time for poverty and hunger. And we
all know, that every process where we search for a way of cooperation in
a diversity space we extend our capacity for the intercontinental and
intercultural cooperation.
We all have different biography, a very different space of experience.
Therefore a very diffent thinking of, what we can do and how we can do.
The most problem for me im this groups of open discussion is, that the
form and interpretation of the form stay in the foreground. And not the
content. And this I also felt, when I read the text of Norbert and
Richard. And similar I experienced while reading the Delhi Declaration
from the JNC.
Maybe, my interpretation is wrong. It is a very subjectiv
interpretation. We find in many discussion very good reflections, very
clear cognitions, a high level of inside knowledge. But not clear view
of, what are our destinations.
All this structures of workgroups, meetings, events and any thing are
only helpful, if we have a base about, how we want create an open
interconnection of all people on our planet.
JFC he wrote about. He is very attacked from many people. Why?
He wrote in his answer to Wolfgang:
"The activist power was in the technology and innovation."
This is for me the core. What we have really to define and create? Only
to be part of "Governance"? Together with all this actors of only
"Governance"? Then we can fight for "Governance" and never for an open
system for worldwide communication and transport of information.
Governance have to be an instrument, if we think, that we need it. Also
Norbert and Richard wrote about at the end:
"Not all aspects of human activity require regulation or any other kind
of explicit governance action." But why we need governance? This
question is always the first. And if we find a positive answer, then and
only then we should act for Governance.
I hope, you and all are not angry with me. And please, excuse my bad
many greetings, willi
Cordoba, Argentina
Am 23-May-15 um 10:10 schrieb Deirdre Williams:
> Dear Norbert,
> Is it better expressed if I say that Bestbits and JNC each appears to use
> its own space as a space to agree and the IGC space as a space to disagree?
> And that the disagreements are often full of rancour?
> Democracy is a word, like multistakeholderism, which can be used for good
> purposes and for bad purposes. I say that, with an example, as a statement
> of fact not as a judgement on anyone or any institution.
> I think civil society has been divided and stands in great danger of being
> absolutely ruled.
> Let's stop that happening.
> Deirdre
> On 23 May 2015 at 08:40, Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 07:48:46 -0400
>> Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It is distressing that both Bestbits and JNC, having each decided
>>> that they preferred to come together with likeminded persons, should
>>> both then decide to use IGC as a battleground.
>> Being a co-founder and co-convenor of the Just Net Coalition (JNC),
>> the last part of this statement and its implied mischaracterization of
>> the nature of my postings is in my eyes highly offensive and quite
>> inappropriate.
>> I hereby formally request an apology.
>>> Earlier this week I was present at a meeting locally at which a
>>> venerable and respected NGO (turned 60 last year) was probably killed
>>> by people shouting for democracy.
>> [..]
>>> So let’s regroup so that we can present a common front and so that
>>> “they’ll see how beautiful (and powerful) [we] are, and be
>>> ashamed” (with apologies to Langston Hughes)
>> Does this mean that those who care about democracy, and who consider it
>> essential that it must be accepted and respected when people talk about
>> the need for governance to be truly democratic, will have to go
>> elsewhere?
>> Greetings,
>> Norbert
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