[governance] FW: WSIS+10: Apply to speak in UN PGA's 2 July informal interactive stakeholder consultations at UNHQ
Wachholz, Cedric
c.wachholz at unesco.org
Mon Jun 22 04:48:19 EDT 2015
Dear colleagues,
For those interested in the UNGA WSIS+10 Review process, please see below very short timelines. Please note that UNESCO is not in charge of this process (and many of our recommendations were not considered) - this email is for simple information sharing purposes.
At least all participants of the former WSIS+10 Reviews by UNESCO (2013) and ITU (2014), plus those who joined UNESCO’s CONNECTing the Dots conference should be admitted to below meeting.
For more information, please visit this website<http://unpan3.un.org/wsis10/> ; should you have more questions, I propose you contact Susan Alzner, who sent below mail, at alzner at un.org<mailto:alzner at un.org>.
Sorry for any cross-postings,
Best regards,
Cédric Wachholz
From: Susan Alzner [mailto:alzner at un.org]
Sent: 18 June 2015 23:24
To: info at un-ngls.org
Subject: WSIS+10: Apply to speak in UN PGA's 2 July informal interactive stakeholder consultations at UNHQ
Apply to speak in the 2 July informal interactive consultations with stakeholders
on the review of implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10)
23 June: Apply for stakeholder Selection Committee
24 June: Apply for Speaking Roles
On 2 July 2015, the President of the UN General Assembly will convene informal interactive consultations with stakeholders on the review of implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) at UN Headquarters in New York. These consultations are part of the preparatory process for the 15-16 December 2015 (Date TBC) UN General Assembly high-level meeting on WSIS+10, and will follow a 1 July UN Member State preparatory meeting.
At the request of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, UN-NGLS will facilitate a short nomination / application process to identify stakeholder panellists and respondents in the 2 July WSIS+10 consultations, working in collaboration with a stakeholder Selection Committee. UN-NGLS will collaborate with ITU, UNCTAD, UNESCO, and UN DESA on outreach for this process.
To apply to speak in the consultations, please complete the form here:
DEADLINE: Wednesday, 24 June
Applications received will publish online immediately and can be viewed here:
To apply to participate in the stakeholder Selection Committee for this process and read its Terms of Reference, please visit:
DEADLINE: Tuesday, 23 June
Travel funding is not available from the Office of the President of the General Assembly for speakers, Selection Committee members, or observers in this event.
In December of 2003, the world came together in Geneva at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) to declare a “common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society,” and thereby ushered in an era of harnessing the power of information and communication technology (ICT) to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The resulting Geneva Plan of Action established targets and the eleven action lines, which guide development in specific areas.
The second phase of WSIS, conducted in Tunis in 2005, built upon the achievements of the Geneva Plan, with the resulting Tunis Agenda addressing additional issues, such as financing and internet governance. Paragraph 111 of the Tunis Agenda requested the General Assembly to undertake the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society in 2015. This review "will be concluded by a two-day high-level meeting of the General Assembly in December 2015, to be preceded by an intergovernmental process that also takes into account inputs from all relevant stakeholders of the World Summit on the Information Society," as specified in UN General Assembly Resolution 68/320.
The web site for the WSIS+10 review is: http://unpan3.un.org/wsis10/
The preliminary roadmap for the WSIS+10 review is available here:
http://workspace.unpan.org/sites/Internet/Documents/WSIS review preliminary timeline_v5.pptx.pdf<http://workspace.unpan.org/sites/Internet/Documents/WSIS%20review%20preliminary%20timeline_v5.pptx.pdf>
Susan Alzner
Officer in Charge, New York Office
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)
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