AW: [governance] IANA transition - BR Gov comments on the CCWG-Accountability Draft Proposal
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at
Fri Jun 12 03:49:34 EDT 2015
What putting ICANN under international law would do is that it will safeguard the non US population of the world ( about 95 percent of it) from abuse of their human rights by US courts and its executive and legislative branches - whether on IP related matters (of which so many cases are known), or denial of essential digital services, as Happening currently in Crimea, and so on...
FYI: Please read Para. 4 of ICANN´s Articles of Incorporation from 1998: "4. The Corporation shall operate for the benefit of the Internet community as a whole, carrying out its activities in conformity with relevant principles of international law and applicable international conventions and local law and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with these Articles and its Bylaws, through open and transparent processes that enable competition and open entry in Internet-related markets. To this effect, the Corporation shall cooperate as appropriate with relevant international organizations."
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