[governance] Civil society transparency

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Mon Jun 8 11:14:17 EDT 2015

> On 08-Jun-2015, at 8:27 pm, Pranesh Prakash <pranesh at cis-india.org> wrote:
> 1. Will there be a body that vets the information provided?  If so, how will this be funded?

Additionally - sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  And how do we stop this from becoming a “people’s court” of the pol pot variety?

A normal court operates under a framework of law, and there is a complex interplay of controls between the legislature, executive and judiciary.

Such a body that vets information - especially with the glaring number of trust issues present here - should avoid turning into a fox news / times now panel - “the civil society vetting body wants to know”, Arnab Goswami style?

Arnab is the Bill O’Reilly of Indian “news” channels, for those who have, mercifully, not seen him yet.  If you do want to see him .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YQ_HGvrHEU <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YQ_HGvrHEU> 


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