[governance] Update on NMI

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Mon Feb 2 17:34:49 EST 2015

Please note the call for initial inputs into terms of reference (referred to below) is now open at https://www.netmundial.org/node/250.

Ian Peter

From: Ian Peter 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 6:55 AM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org 
Subject: Update on NMI

Hi everyone, I am just posting this to IGC as a central list – please post to other lists if you feel it is necessary. This is just a quick update on the NMI Coordination Council activities. 

There is very little to report. The group mailing list got underway mid January, immediately forming a sub group to look at an approach to develop Terms of Reference. That sub group has had two phone calls – The first was poorly attended because it was called at short notice; I woke up one morning to find it underway for instance. 

After the first meeting NTIA (Larry Strickling and Fiona Alexander representing Penny Pritzker) decided to join the sub group. This caused a flurry of activity where many others joined as well, so the second sub group call had over 16 participants from a council of 21. It was something of a disaster because of technical problems with the link up.

Anyway – the only real activity is that on or around February 2 (if there are no more delays) a public call for input into terms of reference will be made. The CC sub group will then compile these inputs to put a draft terms of reference out for further public inputs. It may be that the technical platform used for NetMundial will be used for this activity. 

The objective is to have this finalised for a first face to face meeting of the Coordination Council on March 31 (venue to be determined)

You can find out more about the Council and NMI at www.netmundial.org. 

I will report back here periodically or when/if major developments occur. Right now there are a lot of questions up in the air for most of us involved and a lack of clarity on several operational aspects. It will take time to get these clarified.

Civil society and academic people involved who are regular participants here include Anriette Esterhuysen, Joao Carlos Caribe, Bill Drake, Marilia Maciel, and Wolfgang Kleinwachter and myself, as well as Jean Jacques Subrenat and Eileen Donohoe with other civil society affiliations.  The full CC membership can be found on the website referred to above.

Ian Peter
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