[governance] CSCG CHAIR

Thomas Lowenhaupt toml at communisphere.com
Sun Dec 13 22:02:30 EST 2015

Congratulations Virginia. And thanks for stepping up.

Tom Lowenhaupt

On 12/13/2015 6:56 AM, Deirdre Williams wrote:
> Dear All,
> Copied below is the announcement of the new arrangements for the CSCG 
> Chair.
> Best wishes
> Deirdre
> The Internet Governance Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) is 
> pleased to announce that, following consideration of a range of names 
> put forward for the role of Independent Chair, it has agreed to 
> appoint Virginia Paque. As well, and at Virginia’s request, Ian Peter 
> will continue on in a parallel role as Co-Chair with her for 12 
> months, to allow for both a smooth transition and load sharing over 
> the coming year.
> Virginia Paque has previous experience with CSCG, having been the 
> representative of Diplo Foundation on CSCG until recently, when Diplo 
> asked to withdraw because, despite its active involvement with and 
> support of civil society, it could not be described as a coalition of 
> civil society members.  We look forward to Virginia’s renewed 
> involvement and ongoing involvement in our activities.
> We wish to thank everyone who put names forward for their interest, 
> and look forward to continuing to provide a conduit for civil society 
> appointments to outside bodies in 2016 with the guidance of our two 
> Co-Chairs.
> -- 
> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir 
> William Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
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