[governance] Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Here is the draft email we propose to send to stakeholders re the IGF renewal letter

Adam ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Thu Sep 4 09:53:24 EDT 2014

Stephanie, Jeanette:

Thank you.  Really a very good feeling to have something positive before us.  Look forward to being able to sign.  


On Sep 4, 2014, at 10:25 PM, Stephanie Perrin wrote:

> Dear colleagues and fellow stakeholders of the Internet Governance Forum:
> At the 9th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, various 
> stakeholders discussed their common desire to request an immediate 
> extension of the IGF mandate, in order to create stabiity for the 
> organization and predictability for those engaged in seeking funding for 
> projects.  We have drafted a statement to send to the UN, to request not 
> just an immediate renewal of the IGF mandate, but rather an open-ended 
> re-authorization of the IGF as a voluntary, multistakeholder forum.  We 
> request that other participants in the IGF also support this message on 
> or before November 1.
> We will be creating a neutral website for this project at 
> www.IGFcontinuity.org
>  very shortly, to accept sign-ons of organizations, 
> countries, and individuals.  In the meantime, the undersigned will 
> collect your signatures and description of your organization if you are 
> able to endorse this letter by the time of the closing ceremony at IGF 
> 2014.  The deadline to be included in the letter presented via the Chair 
> will be 11am UTC, Friday September 5.
> Examples of how you will be listed appear below:
> 1.  Jane Smith                       Individual
> 2.  Acme Industry Association        Association representing 150 manuacturers of widgets
> 3.  State of [x]                     Country
>  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
> Jeanette Hofmann, Berlin Social Science Center, 
> jeanette at wzb.eu
> Stephanie Perrin, Non-commercial Stakeholders Group, ICANN, 
> stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
> <IGF renewal7.1.docx>____________________________________________________________
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