[bestbits] [governance] Internet-related Issues at PP-14
Carolina Rossini
carolina.rossini at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 02:11:39 EDT 2014
I agree with Parminder on "It is almost catastrophic wrt FoE and freedom of
innovation if every single device that has to ever employ IP based
connectivity has to be "authorised". What worked for telephones cannot in
the same way work in a pervasive IP environment where the possibilities of
devices, applications etc is near limitless, and one should be able to , as
they say, 'innovate at the edges'. "
I do see a trend to expand phone related regulation (as parminder also
mentioned) to IP based communication hardware, and that can be a real
problem for innovation
On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 2:01 AM, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
> Thanks Ujwala
> I think one of the important issue right now is possible addition of
> "unauthorised" to "counterfeit" devices (which is bad enough) in draft new
> resolution on counterfeit devices.
> It is almost catastrophic wrt FoE and freedom of innovation if every
> single device that has to ever employ IP based connectivity has to be
> "authorised". What worked for telephones cannot in the same way work in a
> pervasive IP environment where the possibilities of devices, applications
> etc is near limitless, and one should be able to , as they say, 'innovate
> at the edges'.
> Hope this can be stopped somehow.
> On a different note, you have referred two commentaries on the India
> proposal. If you also link my email on the subject which is at
> http://lists.igcaucus.org/arc/governance/2014-10/msg00229.html the
> commentaries would perhaps be more balanced..
> Thanks for this excellent work and reference
> parminder
> On Friday 31 October 2014 11:03 AM, Ujwala Uppaluri wrote:
> Dear All,
> CCG has a list of Internet related issues to watch at Plenipot here
> <http://ccgnludelhi.wordpress.com/2014/10/30/india-and-the-internet-at-pp-14/>
> .
> Do let us know if there's anything significant missing.
> Best,
> Ujwala
> --
> Ujwala Uppaluri | Research Fellow
> Centre for Communication Governance | National Law University, Delhi
> | Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078 | Cell: (+91) 986-661-9037 | Fax:
> (+91) 11-280-34256 | www.ccgdelhi.org . <http://goog_561379142/>
> www.nludelhi.ac.in | Twitter: @ccgdelhi <https://twitter.com/CCGDelhi>
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*Carolina Rossini *
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