[governance] New issue of RESURGENCE - on global Internet governance issues
Manasa Priya Vasudevan
manasa at itforchange.net
Wed Oct 15 06:54:03 EDT 2014
Dear all,
Apologies for cross posting!
I write to inform you that the latest issue of *Third World Resurgence*,
a magazine by the Third World Network (TWN) with focus in the area of
*Democratising global Internet governance: Issues and challenges, *is
now available on the Third World Network website (www.twn.my
<http://www.twn.my>) !
Hard copies are also available and requests for the same may be placed
to this id: twnet at po.jaring.my <mailto:twnet at po.jaring.my>
Manasa Priya Vasudevan
/Research Assistant/
*IT for Change*
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