[governance] URGENT: Last call for feedback on CS participation in NETmundial Initiative
David Cake
dave at difference.com.au
Fri Nov 21 12:57:09 EST 2014
On 22 Nov 2014, at 1:22 am, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> As anyone with any familiarity with Civil Society will know, the term Neo-liberal is a very common term of art in Civil Society analyses particularly outside of the 5 Eyes consortia countries.
Yes, and as anyone with any familiarity with International Relations theory will know, the term neo-liberal is a very common term of art in the entire field, meaning something somewhat different (though not 100% unrelated). But I do rather suspect that familiarity with IR theory is not common among JNC members, as I've not yet seen JNC analysis that seems particularly informed by it.
> The current discussions concerning neo-liberalism in public policy areas generally link directly back to “the Washington Consensus”
Yes, yes, just because the way you use the term annoys me doesn't mean I don't understand what you mean by it.
> For a more direct linkage of these discussions concerning neo-liberalism to IG see http://alainet.org/active/73028
I'm tiresomely familiar with the argument, thank you, but I still don't agree with it.
Do you have anything on that argument that has made it into a peer reviewed journal, BTW? It would be useful to have something to cite.
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