[governance] URGENT: Last call for feedback on CS participation in NETmundial Initiative
Sivasubramanian M
isolatedn at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 08:59:10 EST 2014
Fully agree with Wolfgang here
Sivasubramanian M
Sivasubramanian M <https://www.facebook.com/sivasubramanian.muthusamy>
On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 6:56 PM, "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> wrote:
> Thanks Mawaki,
> As a former Co-Chair of the IGC, I support the involvement of our Caucus
> in the NMI. I see this as an opportunity to contribute to IG processes
> towards objectives which has been on the IGC Agenda since ist creation in
> June 2003: Bridging the digital divide and a human rights based free, open
> and unfragmented Internet with access for everybody. NMI is a good platform
> - based on the Sao Paulo principles - to strengthen privacy and right to
> freedom of expression.
> Wolfgang
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org im Auftrag von Mawaki Chango
> Gesendet: Di 18.11.2014 12:32
> An: Internet Governance
> Betreff: [governance] URGENT: Last call for feedback on CS participation
> in NETmundial Initiative
> Dear All,
> You must have heard a good deal about this by now, so I won't repeat the
> background details. In the middle of the night last night, before hitting
> the bed after a long and drawn out day playing catch-up with deadlines, I
> saw that Ian (chair of CSCG) forwarded the NMI Transitional Committee's
> reply the CSCG enquiry. Basically, they are willing to let the CSCG vet CS
> candidates to be part of the NMI Coordination Council.
> Now the question before us is to get a feel of the membership of CSCG
> member entities as to whether to get involved in the NMI process or not. I
> believe this is the last step in the consultations we've been having (with
> NMI initiators, among ourselves at the CSCG and with the membership of our
> respective organizations.) After this we should be able to give a definite
> answer, formulate a definite position about our participation in the NMI
> process.
> So what do you think? Please get right to the point and be brief. State
> your preference for IGC Involvement or No involvement and, if you care to
> provide us with such, I would be grateful to you if you could keep your
> supporting argument in one short paragraph (as we just want to take the
> "temperature of the room" if you see what I mean.)
> Thank you for your understanding.
> Best regards.
> Mawaki
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