[governance] U.S. Court Quashes Attempts to Attach ccTLDs: Federal Judge Agrees with ICANN

Barry Shein bzs at world.std.com
Thu Nov 13 02:50:26 EST 2014

Also, last page, last words of the decision (footnote 2):

  "The Court notes that judicial decisions have construed domain names
  to be a form of intangible property. See...But the conclusion that
  ccTLDs may not be attached in satisfaction of judgement under
  District of Columbia law does not mean they cannot be property. It
  simply means that they are not attachable property within this
  statutory scheme..."

(link below)

On November 13, 2014 at 01:13 bzs at world.std.com (Barry Shein) wrote:
 > From: McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com>
 > >So ccTLDs aren't property after all....
 > >
 > >https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2014-11-12-en
 > More precisely, "not property subject to attachment under District of
 > Columbia law".
 > The reasoning rests more on "A ccTLD, like a domain name, cannot be
 > conceptualized apart from the services provided by these parties. The
 > Court cannot order plaintiffs' insertion into this arrangement."
 >    https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/order-memo-granting-motion-to-quash-writs-10nov14-en.pdf
 > or
 >   http://tinyurl.com/pmu2trj
 > for the decision text, short, 8 pages.
 > -- 
 >         -Barry Shein
 > The World              | bzs at TheWorld.com           | http://www.TheWorld.com
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        -Barry Shein

The World              | bzs at TheWorld.com           | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD        | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada
Software Tool & Die    | Public Access Internet     | SINCE 1989     *oo*

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