[governance] Webinar Invitation on the Official Launch of the NETmundial Initiative | 6 November at 15:00 UTC
Ian Peter
ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Mon Nov 3 14:12:07 EST 2014
So it’s back to being the NETmundial initiative again. I note the involvement of Virgilio Almeida, but are any of our colleagues , particularly those with with affiliations with cgi.br, aware of any endorsement or MOU as regards NETmundial name being used for this?
Ian Peter
From: William Drake
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 9:23 PM
To: Best Bits ; Governance
Subject: [governance] Webinar Invitation on the Official Launch of the NETmundial Initiative | 6 November at 15:00 UTC
Begin forwarded message:
Date: November 3, 2014 at 11:05:04 AM GMT+1
Subject: Webinar Invitation on the Official Launch of the NETmundial Initiative | 6 November at 15:00 UTC
From: NETmundial Secretariat <secretariat at netmundial.org>
To: NETmundial Secretariat <secretariat at netmundial.org>
You are cordially invited to participate in a webinar session marking the official launch of the NETmundial Initiative.
The Initiative’s way forward has been shaped by the feedback collected from the various community dialogues since the NETmundial-inspired meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum in Geneva on 28 August 2014.
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), will discuss these developments, in addition to the role of the multistakeholder NETmundial Initiative in energizing bottom-up, collaborative Internet governance solutions in a distributed ecosystem.
Speakers: Virgilio Augusto Fernandes Almeida (CGI.br), Richard Samans (WEF) and Fadi Chehadé (ICANN).
· Date: Thursday, 6 November 2014
· Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (time converter: http://tinyurl.com/kpl4c62)
· Audio Dial-in Numbers
o USA/CAN Toll Free: 877-397-0286
o Int'l Toll Free: 719-325-4745
o Conference ID: 9037957
· Adobe Connect Login Information
o https://djeholdings.adobeconnect.com/r8y97sljopf/
o Click on “Enter as Guest”
o Enter your name
o Click Enter Room
A question and answer session will take place after remarks from the speakers.
The webinar will be recorded and made available online for those unable to join.
For questions, please contact secretariat at netmundial.org.
International Toll-Free Dial-in Numbers
Int'l toll free - Argentina:
0800 444 8243
Int'l toll free - Australia:
1 800 617 345
Int'l toll free - Austria:
0800 295 793
Int'l toll free - Bahamas:
1 800 203 8243
Int'l toll free - Belgium:
0 800 75 852
Int'l toll free - Brazil:
0 800 038 0502
Int'l toll free - Bulgaria:
00 800 115 1144
Int'l toll free - Chile:
123 0020 6703
Int'l toll free - China, Northern Region:
10 800 714 1511
Int'l toll free - China, Southern Region:
10 800 140 1377
Int'l toll free - Colombia:
01 800 518 1235
Int'l toll free - Czech Republic:
800 700 627
Int'l toll free - Denmark:
80 883 474
Int'l toll free - Dominican Republic:
1 888 751 4803
Int'l toll free - Ecuador:
1 800 020 509
Int'l toll free - France:
0 800 914 217
Int'l toll free - Germany:
0 800 183 0668
Int'l toll free - Greece:
00 800 161 2203 8243
Int'l toll free - Hong Kong:
800 968 835
Int'l toll free - Hungary:
06 800 112 85
Int'l toll free - India:
000 800 1007 606
Int'l toll free - Indonesia:
001 803 016 8243
Int'l toll free - Ireland:
1 800 947 407
Int'l toll free - Israel:
1 80 925 8243
Int'l toll free - Italy:
800 789 381
Int'l toll free - Japan:
00348 0040 0942
Int'l toll free - Latvia:
8000 3532
Int'l toll free - Lithuania:
8 800 3 09 71
Int'l toll free - Luxembourg:
800 2 4396
Int'l toll free - Malaysia:
1800 81 4728
Int'l toll free - Mexico:
001 800 514 8243
Int'l toll free - Monaco:
800 93 601
Int'l toll free - Netherlands:
0 800 022 1719
Int'l toll free - New Zealand:
0 800 451 591
Int'l toll free - Norway:
800 188 28
Int'l toll free - Panama:
00 800 226 8243
Int'l toll free - Philippines:
1 800 111 016 50
Int'l toll free - Poland:
00 800 112 41 48
Int'l toll free - Portugal:
800 827 563
Int'l toll free - Russian Federation:
810 800 2920 1012
Int'l toll free - Singapore, Singapore:
800 101 2323
Int'l toll free - Slovakia:
0800 606 370
Int'l toll free - Slovenia:
0 800 80441
Int'l toll free - South Africa:
0 800 982 293
Int'l toll free - South Korea, Korea, Republic Of:
003 0813 2347
Int'l toll free - Spain:
900 937 669
Int'l toll free - Sweden:
02 079 4840
Int'l toll free - Switzerland:
0 800 890 126
Int'l toll free - Taiwan:
00 801 127 460
Int'l toll free - Thailand:
001 800 156 203 8243
Int'l toll free - Trinidad and Tobago:
1800 203 8243
Int'l toll free - United Arab Emirates:
800 017 0998
Int'l toll free - United Kingdom:
0 808 101 7162
Int'l toll free - Uruguay:
0004 019 0352
Int'l toll free - Venezuela:
0 800 100 8542
Secretariat, NETmundial Initiative
William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: November 3, 2014 at 11:05:04 AM GMT+1
> Subject: Webinar Invitation on the Official Launch of the NETmundial Initiative | 6 November at 15:00 UTC
> From: NETmundial Secretariat <secretariat at netmundial.org>
> To: NETmundial Secretariat <secretariat at netmundial.org>
> You are cordially invited to participate in a webinar session marking the official launch of the NETmundial Initiative.
> The Initiative’s way forward has been shaped by the feedback collected from the various community dialogues since the NETmundial-inspired meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum in Geneva on 28 August 2014.
> The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br <http://cgi.br/>), the World Economic Forum (WEF <http://www.weforum.org/>), and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN <https://www.icann.org/>), will discuss these developments, in addition to the role of the multistakeholder NETmundial Initiative in energizing bottom-up, collaborative Internet governance solutions in a distributed ecosystem.
> Speakers: Virgilio Augusto Fernandes Almeida <http://www.cgi.br/membros/perfil/> (CGI.br), Richard Samans <http://www.weforum.org/contributors/richard-samans> (WEF) and Fadi Chehadé <https://www.icann.org/profiles/fadi-chehade> (ICANN).
> · Date: Thursday, 6 November 2014
> · Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (time converter: http://tinyurl.com/kpl4c62 <http://tinyurl.com/kpl4c62>)
> · Audio Dial-in Numbers
> o USA/CAN Toll Free: 877-397-0286
> o Int'l Toll Free: 719-325-4745
> o Conference ID: 9037957
> · Adobe Connect Login Information
> o https://djeholdings.adobeconnect.com/r8y97sljopf/ <https://djeholdings.adobeconnect.com/r8y97sljopf/>
> o Click on “Enter as Guest”
> o Enter your name
> o Click Enter Room
> A question and answer session will take place after remarks from the speakers.
> The webinar will be recorded and made available online for those unable to join.
> For questions, please contact secretariat at netmundial.org <mailto:secretariat at netmundial.org>.
> ---
> International Toll-Free Dial-in Numbers
> Int'l toll free - Argentina:
> 0800 444 8243
> Int'l toll free - Australia:
> 1 800 617 345
> Int'l toll free - Austria:
> 0800 295 793
> Int'l toll free - Bahamas:
> 1 800 203 8243
> Int'l toll free - Belgium:
> 0 800 75 852
> Int'l toll free - Brazil:
> 0 800 038 0502
> Int'l toll free - Bulgaria:
> 00 800 115 1144
> Int'l toll free - Chile:
> 123 0020 6703
> Int'l toll free - China, Northern Region:
> 10 800 714 1511
> Int'l toll free - China, Southern Region:
> 10 800 140 1377
> Int'l toll free - Colombia:
> 01 800 518 1235
> Int'l toll free - Czech Republic:
> 800 700 627
> Int'l toll free - Denmark:
> 80 883 474
> Int'l toll free - Dominican Republic:
> 1 888 751 4803
> Int'l toll free - Ecuador:
> 1 800 020 509
> Int'l toll free - France:
> 0 800 914 217
> Int'l toll free - Germany:
> 0 800 183 0668
> Int'l toll free - Greece:
> 00 800 161 2203 8243
> Int'l toll free - Hong Kong:
> 800 968 835
> Int'l toll free - Hungary:
> 06 800 112 85
> Int'l toll free - India:
> 000 800 1007 606
> Int'l toll free - Indonesia:
> 001 803 016 8243
> Int'l toll free - Ireland:
> 1 800 947 407
> Int'l toll free - Israel:
> 1 80 925 8243
> Int'l toll free - Italy:
> 800 789 381
> Int'l toll free - Japan:
> 00348 0040 0942
> Int'l toll free - Latvia:
> 8000 3532
> Int'l toll free - Lithuania:
> 8 800 3 09 71
> Int'l toll free - Luxembourg:
> 800 2 4396
> Int'l toll free - Malaysia:
> 1800 81 4728
> Int'l toll free - Mexico:
> 001 800 514 8243
> Int'l toll free - Monaco:
> 800 93 601
> Int'l toll free - Netherlands:
> 0 800 022 1719
> Int'l toll free - New Zealand:
> 0 800 451 591
> Int'l toll free - Norway:
> 800 188 28
> Int'l toll free - Panama:
> 00 800 226 8243
> Int'l toll free - Philippines:
> 1 800 111 016 50
> Int'l toll free - Poland:
> 00 800 112 41 48
> Int'l toll free - Portugal:
> 800 827 563
> Int'l toll free - Russian Federation:
> 810 800 2920 1012
> Int'l toll free - Singapore, Singapore:
> 800 101 2323
> Int'l toll free - Slovakia:
> 0800 606 370
> Int'l toll free - Slovenia:
> 0 800 80441
> Int'l toll free - South Africa:
> 0 800 982 293
> Int'l toll free - South Korea, Korea, Republic Of:
> 003 0813 2347
> Int'l toll free - Spain:
> 900 937 669
> Int'l toll free - Sweden:
> 02 079 4840
> Int'l toll free - Switzerland:
> 0 800 890 126
> Int'l toll free - Taiwan:
> 00 801 127 460
> Int'l toll free - Thailand:
> 001 800 156 203 8243
> Int'l toll free - Trinidad and Tobago:
> 1800 203 8243
> Int'l toll free - United Arab Emirates:
> 800 017 0998
> Int'l toll free - United Kingdom:
> 0 808 101 7162
> Int'l toll free - Uruguay:
> 0004 019 0352
> Int'l toll free - Venezuela:
> 0 800 100 8542
> --
> Secretariat, NETmundial Initiative
William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),
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