[bestbits] Re: [governance] IGC press release in response to the NTIA announcement of March 14

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sun Mar 16 08:28:01 EDT 2014

On 15-Mar-14 20:42, Ian Peter wrote:
> 2. I wouldn’t describe the role of technical organisations as “primary”
> – administrative perhaps?

I do not think that the role of the IETF, is administrative.  Perhaps 
Primary has a connotation of most important that you want to avoid, but 
creating and maintaining the protocols that make the Internet possible 
is a bit more than administration.

Perhaps 'essential role' would work?  Does not rank things (many 
ingredients can all be essential) but does admit that without them, we 
have nothing.  Critical would be another possible word, but that word 
seem to carry more connotations than essential.

I support such a press release as long as it does not back off the 
notions of multistakeholder particpatory democracy - albeit they are 
still unfolding.  It is good to indicate that off course this does not 
work out the same in all contexts (aka not one size fits all), but we 
ought to persist in defining that full participation by all stakeholders 
in the process is essential.


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