[governance] IGC press release in response to the NTIA announcement of March 14

Mawaki Chango kichango at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 22:11:31 EDT 2014

Just to clarify this bit. By "primary" as in "While acknowledging the
primary role of Internet organizations and technical standard-setting
bodies," I mean that those bodies have a hands-on role regarding the
management and coordination of the internet core identifiers or logical
infrastructure (which the IANA functions are first concerned with, and I
guess that's the reason why they are explicitly mentioned/listed in the
NTIA announcement.)

This is not in anyway to suggest that they have a preeminent role in a
normative sense. It is not even a recommendation of a sort; just to say we
have some understanding for why NTIA would particularly or explicitly
emphasize their involvement, but we are here to emphasize the need to
equally include CS/people/users-at-large, etc. You get my point, so if
changes need to be made to the formulation please make suggestions taking
into account the above described intent (although I must admit we may also
get rid of the binary syntactic structure of that sentence altogether and
only emphasize what is most important to us.)


On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 1:54 AM, Suresh Ramasubramanian
<suresh at hserus.net>wrote:

> Technical and industry - administrative and operational. With a
> corresponding stake in policy as well, as policy making can't be
> disconnected from this, rather unlike proposals and protests that are free
> not to take technical reality into account.
> --srs (iPad)
> On 16-Mar-2014, at 6:12, "Ian Peter" <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
>   Just to outline some of the issues behind some of my suggested changes ;
> 1. While happy to endorse "multistakeholder" as a step forward for these
> particular functions, I am not sure we want to endorse it as a
> one-size-fits-all model for all aspects of internet governance. Hence my
> first suggested change below.
> 2. I wouldn't describe the role of technical organisations as "primary" -
> administrative perhaps?
> 3. Perhaps we can word better the section as regards meaning of
> multistakeholder and our concerns this could be a mask for dominance of
> certain groups.
>  *From:* Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>
>  *Sent:* Sunday, March 16, 2014 10:15 AM
> *To:* Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com> ; Internet Governance<governance at lists.igcaucus.org>
> *Cc:* Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com> ;
> bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
> *Subject:* Re: [governance] IGC press release in response to the NTIA
> announcement of March 14
>   Hi Mawaki,good start.
> I think some sections are repetitive and it may be too long. So in my
> thinking I have square bracketed some sections below and also have a few in
> line comments and suggested alternatives.
>  *From:* Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com>
>  *Sent:* Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:10 AM
> *To:* Internet Governance <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>
> *Cc:* Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com> ;
> mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
> *Subject:* [governance] IGC press release in response to the NTIA
> announcement of March 14
>    Dear All,
> Please find a draft of the above subject for your consideration and
> possible revisions. This is just a first crack attempted considering the
> speed of the events. I'm cc'ing BB as a peer organization with same
> concerns.
> We would appreciate your inputs by Monday noon, UTC.
> ---
> IGC Draft Press Release
> On March 14, U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and
> Information Administration (NTIA) announced its intent to relinquish the
> oversight role it has played so far with the Internet Corporation for
> Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regarding key Internet domain name
> functions.  [As the announcement points out, this marks the final phase of
> the transition intended from the inception of ICANN toward the
> privatization of the domain name system (DNS) and its stewardship].
> The Internet Governance Caucus (IGC) welcomes this decision and
> appreciates the opportunity to further evolve toward an equitable
> multistakeholder policymaking model for [ 1. the governance of the
> Internet] [IP -2.  these functions]. In that regard, IGC pays [a]
> particular attention to the reiteration by NTIA of the necessity to involve
> all stakeholders in the process as well as in the desired outcome for fully
> completing the above transition. [If deemed relevant by members and subject
> to what the following actually entails: "Meet the needs and expectation of
> the global customers and partners of the IANA services"] We also support
> the four principles put forward by NTIA to guide ICANN and the global
> Internet community in the formulation of a proposal to finalize this
> transition].
> IP I would leave last bracketed section out
> While acknowledging the [primary] role of Internet organizations and
> technical standard-setting bodies, IGC wishes to call attention to the
> utmost importance of giving due consideration to the concerns and views of
> non-technical and non-commercial stakeholders in Internet policies. Indeed
> IGC supports the multistakeholder policymaking model to the extent that it
> does not contradict the ideals of democracy, including due consideration to
> the rights of minorities (in the context of Internet policy). It will be a
> constant challenge to make sure the term 'multistakeholder' is not reduced
> to mean 'anti-all-governments-of-the-world' [ IP or"private sector led"]
> but is rather open to embrace a 'pro-all-peoples-of-the-world' meaning.
> Furthermore, a great deal of care should be given to designing the
> appropriate accountability mechanisms that fit  a truly global governance
> institution - with a constituency and a customer base that actually is
> global.[ Related to that and more broadly adequate responses must be found
> to the concern that while achieving effective accountability such
> institution (to emerge from this transition) should not be subject to any
> one national jurisdiction at the exclusion of others. It must be equally
> available and accessible to all Internet stakeholders].
> [Since ICANN is one of the co-conveners of the upcoming NETMundial, the
> Global Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (www.netmundial.br)
> to be held in Brazil this April, we advise that it includes in its
> consultation process for the transition proposal the propositions made in
> submissions, proceedings and outcomes of that meeting as regards the
> phasing out of the current role played by NTIA in the coordination of the
> Internet's domain name system].
> The Internet Governance Caucus
> March xx, 2014.
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