[NCUC-DISCUSS] [bestbits] Re: [governance] list of important questions to be delivered to LOC before 27th meeting

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sun Jan 26 10:26:57 EST 2014

Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Next step would be the question of selection. So far I have informally
> tried to reach out to people and ask opinions. What I have collected
> so far comes down to three options. But there may be more, so please
> propose new ideas or comment on the ones below:
> - Bottom up self-selection process. Pro: more legitimacy. Con: some
> fear the burden would be too heavy for a nom-com.
> - First come first served. People who register would be accepted
> until the number of participants is reached. Pro: easier to handle.
> Con: some fear it could create distortions and lack of balance
> - Selection by a committee (not clear by which one), based on
> previously agreed criteria such as: balance between developind and
> developed regions, presenting contributions to the public
> consultation as pre-condition for on site participation, have
> attended at least 3 IGFs, etc. Pro: Middle-terms solution if criteria
> is agreed beforehand. Con: Not mentioned.
> Please, let me know if you have feelings or preferences about the
> above.

APC has proposed that the selection of participants should be on the
basis of contributing substantively during the preparatory process.

I support that proposal.


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