[governance] Application to participate in the meeting in Brazil
Antonio Medina Gómez
amedinagomez at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 17:33:54 EST 2014
Dear Colleagues, Civil society is already represented within the planning
of the Brazil meeting as well as the Steering Committee. However, this
email serves to inform you that I am volunteering to attend the meeting and
act as Rapporteur for the IGC to report back on meetings in real time. Let
me know what your thoughts are. I will also update you daily and at the end
of the meeting produce a report on key observations. I think having a team
of IGC rapporteurs would be useful and I am willing to volunteer.
Best Regards,
Antonio Medina Gómez
Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet
Skype: amedinagomez
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