[governance] CS Representation on Brazil Committees
kabani.asif at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 01:48:00 EST 2014
Congrats to
*High Level Committee*
Jovan Kurbalija, Stephanie Perrin and Louis Pouzin
*Executive Multistakeholder Committee*
Adam Peake and Marilia Maciel
*Asif Kabani*
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*Skype: kabaniasif*
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On 15 January 2014 07:31, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
> I am pleased to announce the following selections for the Brazil
> Committees on behalf of the Civil Society Coordination Group. Many thanks
> to all the organisations and individuals who co –operated in this
> collaborative effort and to those who contributed to a very talented list
> of names for consideration
> *High Level Committee*
> Jovan Kurbalija
> Stephanie Perrin
> Louis Pouzin
> *Executive Multistakeholder Committee*
> Adam Peake
> Marilia Maciel
> Biographical details appear below.
> The representatives were chosen from a field of 33 applications for HLC
> and 24 applications for EMC, drawn from a widely disseminated call for
> nominations across various civil society networks, including IGC, Best
> Bits, APC, NCSG, Diplo, and associated civil society networks , and
> including nominations from other CS individuals as well. No nominations
> were denied full consideration.
> The full list of candidates was posted on the main civil society lists
> some time ago (let me know if you need a copy). We thank all the volunteers
> who put their names forward – this was an incredibly talented field and
> making decisions on final candidates was subsequently a significant
> challenge.
> The selections were made by a Nomcom consisting of Virginia Paque (Diplo
> Foundation), Jeremy Malcolm (Best Bits), Chat Garcia Ramilo (APC) and Robin
> Gross (NCSG). Ian Peter was an independent non voting Chair.
> We realise that some aspects of these selections will be controversial. We
> have attempted to find a balance (among the candidates who best fit our
> criteria for selection) between such factors as gender, geography,
> advocacy, knowledge, expertise, and constituency. Geography in particular
> was a challenge in finalising our HLC candidates – but we did note very
> strong support from a number of prominent third world centred organisations
> and individuals for Louis Pouzin, and trust that the perspectives and
> advocacy he will bring to the discussions will ensure that important issues
> of concern to many members of civil society are not neglected.
> Biographical details are below.
> Ian Peter (non voting Chair)
> *Dr Jovan Kurbalija* is the founding director of DiploFoundation. He is a
> former diplomat with a professional and academic background in
> international law, diplomacy, and information technology. In 1992, he
> established the Unit for IT and Diplomacy at the Mediterranean Academy of
> Diplomatic Studies in Malta. In 2002, after more than ten years of
> successful work in training, research, and publishing, the Unit evolved
> into DiploFoundation.
> Dr Kurbalija directs online learning courses on ICT and diplomacy and
> lectures in academic and training institutions in Switzerland, the United
> States, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Malta. His main
> areas of research are diplomacy and the development of an international
> Internet regime, the use of hypertext in diplomacy, online negotiations and
> diplomatic law.
> *Stephanie Perrin* is recognized as an international expert in privacy
> and data protection and the social impact of technology, and is conducting
> doctoral research focused on privacy enhanced authentication technologies. Stephanie
> is a NCSG/NCUC member and has been a strong advocate for privacy on the
> ICANN Expert Working Group on Directory Services (aka "whois") for the last
> year. Her experience includes several positions in the Canadian
> Government, including in Integrity Services at Service Canada, as Director
> of Research and Policy in the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, and as
> Director of Privacy Policy at Industry Canada where she was responsible for
> the development of the private sector privacy legislation (PIPEDA). She has
> worked in the private sector and has consulted broadly on privacy issues
> internationally, including advising on the first privacy policy for CIRA,
> the Canadian Internet Registration Authority. She is based in Canada.
> *Louis Pouzin* is one of the pioneers in computer communications and the
> Internet. He designed and directed the development of the Cyclades network
> in France, the first to use datagrams and matching end-to-end protocols,
> later adopted by the Internet. He is now retired and contributes to several
> associations and working groups related to Internet development. He has
> received ACM SIGCOMM and IEEE Internet awards and is a member of the
> Internet Hall of Fame. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and
> has published 82 articles and a book on computer networks. Louis is a
> founder or Eurolinc and has been a strong advocate in internet governance
> discussions.
> *Adam Peake* is a senior researcher at the Center for Global
> Communications (GLOCOM), International University of Japan. He works on
> telecommunications, Internet and broadband policy, and follow-up activities
> for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Adam has been
> active in policy-making activities for the deployment and development of
> the Internet since the mid-1990s. He is an expert on the development and
> deployment of the broadband networks, services and applications in Japan,
> and has conducted numerous studies for Japanese corporate clients on
> telecommunications/Internet/ICTs in the United States, Europe, Africa and
> Asia. Adam teaches a short course on Internet policy for MBA students at
> the International University of Japan and is a former co ordinator of the
> Internet Governance Caucus.
> *Marília Maciel* works as a professor of Intellectual Property Law and
> also as a researcher at the Center for Technology and Society of the
> Getulio Vargas Foundation (CTS/FGV), in Brazil. She leads project Cultura
> Livre (Free Culture), which investigates how new media reshapes
> intellectual property and impacts cultural production and distribution. She
> also represents FGV at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related
> Rights (SCCR) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
> Marília has a Masters degree on Latin American Integration from the Federal
> University of Santa Maria and a Law degree from the Federal University of
> Pernambuco. She has been a tutor in the Internet Governance Capacity
> Building Programme, organized by DiploFoundation since 2008. She is also a
> member of the Remote Participation Working Group, composed by individuals
> from different countries who have joined together with the concern to
> enhance remote attendance in the Internet Governance Fórum.
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