[governance] Fwd: Weekly posting summary for ietf at ietf.org
Avri Doria
avri at acm.org
Fri Jan 10 13:36:07 EST 2014
I was wondering could we get this done for this list.
People occasionally request that someone be blocked from the list
because they accuse that someone of being a troll and of sending too
much email.
While I admit am not given to thinking that way about people, except
perhaps myself, I think that at the very least we should have metrics
before actually acting on such accusations.
Jeremy: I did not send this only to you or or your admins list even
though the question could be seen as a purely technical one, because it
may not be just a technical decision. I have seen occasions on other
lists when this was first done, some people felt uneasy about being
tracked that way. My thought is that with a public archive, whoever is
interested is already doing the tracking, we just don't know it, or see
it, yet.
Tbanks for all you do to keep this caucus functioning.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf at ietf.org
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 00:53:03 -0500
From: Thomas Narten <narten at us.ibm.com>
To: ietf at ietf.org
Total of 228 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jan 10 00:53:02 EST 2014
Messages | Bytes | Who
7.02% | 16 | 12.46% | 237981 | hallam at gmail.com
4.82% | 11 | 5.16% | 98475 | l.wood at surrey.ac.uk
4.82% | 11 | 4.00% | 76450 | dhc at dcrocker.net
3.95% | 9 | 3.98% | 75957 | stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
4.39% | 10 | 3.50% | 66856 | paf at frobbit.se
3.95% | 9 | 3.58% | 68329 | brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com
3.51% | 8 | 3.09% | 58963 | scott.brim at gmail.com
3.51% | 8 | 2.69% | 51313 | jari.arkko at piuha.net
2.63% | 6 | 2.52% | 48038 | drc at virtualized.org
2.63% | 6 | 2.19% | 41742 | adrian at olddog.co.uk
2.19% | 5 | 2.19% | 41747 | lear at cisco.com
2.19% | 5 | 2.15% | 41119 | john-ietf at jck.com
1.32% | 3 | 2.76% | 52613 | mariainesrobles at googlemail.com
2.19% | 5 | 1.71% | 32699 | johnl at taugh.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.68% | 31995 | abdussalambaryun at gmail.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.53% | 29204 | sm+ietf at elandsys.com
0.88% | 2 | 2.36% | 45134 | bclaise at cisco.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.49% | 28371 | stbryant at cisco.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.41% | 26858 | morrowc.lists at gmail.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.31% | 25065 | ajs at anvilwalrusden.com
1.75% | 4 | 1.29% | 24621 | derhoermi at gmx.net
1.75% | 4 | 1.27% | 24343 | randy at psg.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.68% | 32037 | turners at ieca.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.65% | 31538 | michael.scharf at alcatel-lucent.com
0.88% | 2 | 2.04% | 38878 | andy at yumaworks.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.37% | 26189 | narten at us.ibm.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.28% | 24424 | sm at resistor.net
1.32% | 3 | 1.15% | 22005 | gih at apnic.net
1.32% | 3 | 1.13% | 21503 | agmalis at gmail.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.07% | 20420 | jcurran at istaff.org
1.32% | 3 | 1.05% | 20002 | ted.lemon at nominum.com
1.32% | 3 | 1.01% | 19357 | melinda.shore at gmail.com
1.32% | 3 | 0.96% | 18387 | kent at bbn.com
1.32% | 3 | 0.86% | 16504 | jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
0.88% | 2 | 0.80% | 15327 | ned+ietf at mauve.mrochek.com
0.88% | 2 | 0.73% | 13861 | erosen at cisco.com
0.88% | 2 | 0.69% | 13158 | mark.tinka at seacom.mu
0.88% | 2 | 0.67% | 12712 | loa at pi.nu
0.88% | 2 | 0.67% | 12707 | bmanning at isi.edu
0.88% | 2 | 0.66% | 12553 | housley at vigilsec.com
0.88% | 2 | 0.63% | 12049 | tglassey at earthlink.net
0.88% | 2 | 0.57% | 10849 | chair at ietf.org
0.88% | 2 | 0.57% | 10801 | simon at josefsson.org
0.44% | 1 | 0.70% | 13393 | stewe at stewe.org
0.44% | 1 | 0.69% | 13193 | daedulus at btconnect.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.68% | 12931 | ron.even.tlv at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.64% | 12238 | ggm at algebras.org
0.44% | 1 | 0.63% | 12054 | david.black at emc.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.58% | 11035 | superuser at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.56% | 10622 | suzworldwide at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.53% | 10107 | avri at ella.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.52% | 9925 | jmh at joelhalpern.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.51% | 9807 | hsantos at isdg.net
0.44% | 1 | 0.51% | 9774 | wzhang at cisco.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.46% | 8827 | ogud at ogud.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.45% | 8652 | fred at cisco.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.42% | 7983 | j.schoenwaelder at jacobs-university.de
0.44% | 1 | 0.41% | 7845 | dave at cridland.net
0.44% | 1 | 0.41% | 7806 | joelja at bogus.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.41% | 7790 | paul.hoffman at vpnc.org
0.44% | 1 | 0.41% | 7776 | tbray at textuality.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.39% | 7380 | lberger at labn.net
0.44% | 1 | 0.38% | 7252 | d3e3e3 at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.36% | 6928 | tjc at ecs.soton.ac.uk
0.44% | 1 | 0.36% | 6895 | sm at +ietfelandsys.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.36% | 6881 | andrew.hutton at unify.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.35% | 6711 | huubatwork at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.35% | 6659 | kre at munnari.oz.au
0.44% | 1 | 0.34% | 6450 | mcr+ietf at sandelman.ca
0.44% | 1 | 0.33% | 6248 | farinacci at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.32% | 6187 | lars at netapp.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.30% | 5819 | peter at bsdly.net
0.44% | 1 | 0.30% | 5639 | marka at isc.org
0.44% | 1 | 0.29% | 5574 | garbakora at gmail.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.28% | 5341 | worley at ariadne.com
0.44% | 1 | 0.24% | 4621 | ahmedbakhat at pta.gov.pk
100.00% | 228 |100.00% | 1909477 | Total
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